chapter 4

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No one's pov

It's just past 3:am Yuzu is in the school's swimming pool naked leaning on her arms at the edge of the pool taking another sip of the tequila, the bottle is almost half empty. She has accomplished what she wanted. She is beyond drunk her mind is blank and her emotions are numb. She is just enjoying the cold water and the taste of the tequila not caring about anyone or anything. She took another sip and got out of the pool...and heard her name being called.

Harumin pov

Back at the front gate of the Aihara academy I was waiting for Mei, annoyed and angry as I had to see the person who had destroyed my best friend's heart. Mei arrived and got out of the car while seeing me she sighs as this is going to be difficult.
Harumin sees Mei and glares at her. She can burn a hole straight through her skull her aura as cold and dark as can be as saying with her eyes "You bitch how dare you!!"
Mei glares back at her as to say, "I'm not scared of you and we don't have the time." Her aura is as cold as ever.
Mei unlocks the gate they walk in and she says, "Lets look at the security cameras to see where she is to save time." I nod in agreement. We get there and look at the cameras. Mei sees she is in the swimming pool drinking. Her eyes widen at the sight. I see this and look to where Mei is looking and I'm shocked too and ask "Is she drinking?" Mei is still at a loss for words at the sight before her and simply nods. Sighing I leave to go to the pool. Mei is just watching Yuzu. I arrived just as Yuzu gets out of the pool and blush as I see that Yuzu is naked. I called for her "Yuzuchi!...Yuzuko don't you dare take another sip of that bottle." Yuzu turned in shock as she thought.~

How? How did she.....?~

Harumin blushed even more as she sees her best friend in all her glory. She was brought back to earth when Yuzu spoke slurring her words. "Howe didd you fi... Finnd me?"

Harumin: "The academy's alarm went off and they informed Mei as she was on the phone with your mother looking for you Yuzuchi. We all are worried sick about you."

No one's pov

Yuzu starts laughing at the thought of Mei worried about her taking a mouthful of her drink. "Mei ddoess nnnot ggivve a fwuck abouttt me!" She says with slurred speech and continues as she walks to Harumin. "I'm fwine justt takwing a swom...a sswim." She stands in front of her best friend looking her in the eyes into those caring hazel nut eyes of her best friend seeing nothing but concern for her. Harumin grabs the bottle from Yuzu's hand and puts it on the floor behind her, away from Yuzu and stares back into her eyes. Yuzu as she sees those caring eyes of her best friend. She can't help but move closer to her with the thought of kissing her as a result of the void she needs to fill to make herself feel anything but this agonising pain. Without a second thought of the consequences she captures Harumin's lips. Harumin gasps slightly at the actions of her best friend giving Yuzu the opportunity to slip her tongue in exploring her mouth. Harumin grabbed Yuzu's shoulder with the intent to push her away but lost her balance over the tequila bottle and they fell to the floor with Yuzu on top of her, her face as red as a tomato.Yuzu not caring crashes their lips together again. Harumin shocked gasped again and felt Yuzu's tongue enter her again. She clenched her shoulders to push her away to make her stop as she knows Yuzu is only doing this because she is drunk and hurt. Yuzu takes her wrist and pins them above her head making it impossible for Harumin to push her or get out of her grip she melted into the kiss and kissed her back.Yuzu oblivious to this pulled away and started kissing her neck going down to the nape of her collarbone and started sucking giving Harumin a hickey and a soft moan escapes Harumin's mouth while trying to catch her breath and keep a clear mind not to completely give in to the sensation of pleasure that she's currently receiving. While Yuzu is busy giving Harumin a hickey she puts Harumin's hands together to free one hand to slip the free hand underneath her shirt groping her breast. Harumin shouts "Yuzuko!!!" And feels Yuzu stop moving and kissing her altogether, just her naked body a dead weight on top of her as she blackout due to too much alcohol consumption.


I'm standing in the security room still looking at Yuzu with my hand in front of my mouth and one clenching the ring close to my heart thinking.~

I did this to her. It's my fault she's in this state. What's wrong with me? I've hurt the only person who ever showed me unconditional love and support.~

I see Harumin enter as Yuzu is climbing out and blushed hard the tips of my ears are even red as I see Yuzu's naked body. But...the next events that are unfolding in front of my eyes struck a deep unbearably painful cord within me causing rage and jealousy to take hold. Clenching my fists so hard they tremble. I just wanted to punch Harumin for not stopping Yuzu not caring that she is the victim and Yuzu is not herself. How dare they kiss! How dare Yuzu touch her like that! Rage clouding my judgement I went to the pool before  entering I grabbed a towel to dry Yuzu off. I glared at them. Harumin managed to get Yuzu off of her and gather her clothes about to go get a towel when she sees me pass her and I'm already drying off Yuzu. Harumin can feel the bitch's icy cold and dark aura that she is emanating that it sends shivers down her spine. She looks at Mei and is about to say something but Mei cuts her off with her president voice as she gives her a death glare. "I SAW EVERYTHING!"
Harumin is still trying to recover and process everything that had happened just a few minutes ago replies in a tired and annoyed voice, "I don't have time for your bullshit prez lets get her home." Each giving the other a death glare that hell can freeze over from continued to get Yuzu dressed and help her to the car as they all are finally seated Harumin sighs and says, "I hope for her sake she doesn't remember what she did cause the guilt will eat her alive." Mei doesn't respond only glares at her knowing full well that she herself is responsible but that doesn't make it hurt any less. she looks at the driver and tells him where to go as they drive to take Yuzu home.

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