Chapter 12

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No one's pov

The drive to the Okogi mansion was quite and Kiro didn't want to pres his granddaughter on details of the sudden change of the agreement. He knew she would tell him soon, as she said she would and that he just had to be patient. As they got out the staff took her belongings to her room. "Miss Okogi welcome back no need to worry about your belongings they will be taken to your room so you may settle in and then join your grandfather in the dining room for dinner." The head maid greeted with a bow. "Good evening Hina-san. Thank you I'll be on my way grandpa I'll see you at dinner then we can talk and discuss business." Yuzu looked at her grandfather and her grandfather responded with a smile. "Okay sunshine see you at dinner. Let Hina know if you need anything." Yuzu nodded and proceeded to her room to unpack. She got to her room and it's exactly the same as she left it. Taking in the scene the memories come flooding back she went to the Photo of her and her dad that was still on her desk she exhaled. "I miss you. Hope I make you proud." Tracing her fingers over the frame she began unpacking while in her own world of thought.

I wonder what advice he would've given me in this situation? I know one thing though he would support me no matter what as I'm his little girl. I've learnt alot through this last couple of months and discovered more things about myself as well. No matter how I look at it I'm glad that I have no regrets. I wonder when Mats and Inori will be moving back I'll ask grandpa later. I wonder if that grumpy old man is happy with himself now as well with things finally over between me and Mei and what he has to say. I can't what to see the look on his face next week Monday with the suprise I have in store for him and the rest of the Aihara group. What fun awaits. Oh I also need to start getting back in shape it will help me vent as well. I also need to mention to grandpa to put the other plan in action too.

Completing the last of her unpacking still lost in her own little world on her train of thoughts. Finally grasping reality when Hina-san came to inform her that dinner is ready. She went to the dining room took her seat at the table were her grandfather was already waiting reading a newspaper. Their dinner was presented and they enter into conversation while eating. "Did you finish unpacking as you can see it is as you left it?" Kiro asked as he was cutting his hamburger steak although they have money to spare they like the simpler things in life. "Yes thanks grandpa and do you know when Mats will be moving back and when will Shai get here?" She responded while cutting her own hamburger steak. "Mats and her brother will be moving back in tomorrow and Shai will be here at the end of the week as well as Maruta's parents they have a few lose ends to tie up. So sunshine mind explaining?" He answers as he continues to eat. "I thought this much and I'm guessing that aunty Shion and uncle kai are coming to meet Maruta's girlfriend. Will Shai be attending the academy as well and to explain in simple terms my relationship with Mei didn't work out. Thats why I changed things as I need to move forward and keep as much distance from her that I possibly can at least for now which brings me to my next question. Can you please call our hospital in the US and arrange everything for me as I'm not sure if I'll be able to stay until graduation." She looked at her grandfather and answered as she continued to eat her food. "Yes Maruta is quite excited and yes Shai will be attending the academy as well. I'm sorry to hear about Mei and I know you will find a way sunshine even though you're hurting. You always do as you have the same tenacity as your father. If you want to be with her or not is your choice alone, a difficult one at that but only you can make it as only you know yourself best. I'll call the hospital and make arrangements luckily you graduated from medical school when you were 16 so there won't be any trouble." He answers drinking his water and looking at his granddaughter. "Yaeh I know but at the moment I need to gain clarity first as my emotions is all over the place. Thanks grandpa for your support and doing this for me I love you. I'm glad that Shai will be here because if things happen to work out that I leave she can be there for Mats.That aside did granpa look into the proposals and contracts that I had Maruta set up for my first and official business of taking over as heir." She asks finishing her food and taking a sip of her ice tea. "I did and all looks to be in order and this is a very admirable and fruitful grow to our business as well as theirs. This will improve many young people's lives as well. We will have a direct influence as to how the school and their other businesses are run if they agree which I have no doubt they will due to our recognition and standings well known to the world. The damage that comes from rejecting business with us when presented with an opportunity is far to great even if this is kept as airtight as possible someone somewhere will come to know of this business meeting and use it to their benefit that is just human nature. We have faith in you and know what you can do so it's a great way to start off. On that note I take it you have an approach in mind and I'm guessing it's the cold hard truth route?" Her grandfather responded with administration, pride and undeniable satisfaction that the Okogi family legacy is in the right hands while taking the last bite of his dinner. Yuzu with nothing more than content and attentiveness listened to her grandfather, smiled and answered him. "Yeah I do believe they will agree but only after protest,anger and complaints as..... as you guest I'm not holding back. All will be made clear for the sake of business but most importantly my friends as I'm in a position to help and thus I shall. They might not understand at first but in order for them to be free and happy all must be made clear and lift the burden from their shoulders. I will become the vilian for the time being. I do have a request though please do not take on Mr Aihara for the way he treated me as that would be settled with the meeting by me and if possible I would like grandpa to speak directly to him to arrange the meeting next week Monday at the school's boardroom as to place a bit more pressure on the Aihara group. I want all present including my friends from their side and only me my cousins, grandpa and Mio our secretary from ours. Mio can give a brief summary of the event to my aunt's and them so they are in the loop. I will also give a deadline for them to get their houses sorted so to speak and make a decision."
"For you sunshine I'll hold my tongue against Mr Aihara and let you handle it however..... if they so much as overstep to any of my grandchildren I will not sit and simply take it. They will see my wrath and as for arranging the meeting I'll do as you ask and how you handle this deal is all up to you whether to give a deadline or not as you are in charge now." Her grandfather answered while taking the last sip of his water. "I understand and I wouldn't expect anything less from you grandpa as we love you just as much as you love us. Thank you for understanding and supporting us. Goodnight grandpa." " Goodnight sunshine." With that she finished her ice tea and smiled at her grandfather and went to her room took a bath and got ready for bed. Only she couldn't sleep thinking about Mei as the pain cut through her putting her earphones in and listen to the music for comfort.

Halfway through the first song the tears started to fall.

No control she just let her tears continue streaming down her face as the next songs played.

Eventually she cried herself to sleep as the songs kept playing. Monday morning arrived sooner rather than later as her alarm went off at 6 Am. Restless shutting it up she wiped the sleep from her eyes stretch and put her tracksuit on as she is determined to get back in shape. The start of her morning run before school she strapped her phone to her arm started the playlist and of she went.

Pumped by the music as she pushes her body and distracts her mind as the next song played.

Eventually to tired to keep going she finished her run. Showered got dressed but did not bother too much only wearing her red ribbon, hair straightened and loose only eyeliner and a bit of base to help with the red puffy eyes and lipgloss. She went down ate her breakfast greeted her grandfather and the driver took her to school careful to drop her off a block away to not draw attention. She waited by the gate for her bestfrind glad she hasn't run into Mei yet. "Good morning Haru." She greeted her friend who jumped her from behind. "Yuzuchi good morning. Ready for today oh and before I forget your on your own for lunch just today though." Harumin greeted back but rolled her eyes as she wasn't at all looking forward to seeing Mei at lunch today. "I'm as ready as I can be and that is fine I'll take the time to nap then." Yuzu answered with her smile as they walked to their homeroom not letting Harumin worry and she was planning on slipping away anyways from lunch to be alone.

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