Chapter 9: The Girl on the Court

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After I made the winning shot of the game, I walked off the court. "Excuse me." I said while making my way through the crowd of people who were watching the game and I went to the bench to sit down. 

I can hear them whispering about me but I didn't mind them and honestly I felt bad about what I did to my opponent but he deserved it. 

I was drinking water and wiping the sweat off my body when my opponent went to me and gave me one thousand bucks in cash, I was planning on declining but as soon as I took the money he quickly ran away so I just put the money in my bag.

"Hey." I looked up and saw Fishlegs standing in front of me, "Hey, what's up?" I said, "What was that?!" he asked, "That's the first time I saw that side of you.", "Uh... Yeah.. That. I just lost my cool when that guy never stopped running his mouth." I replied.

I was packing up my things and was ready to leave when I can't find my notebook inside, "Shoot! Where's my notebook?" I muttered as I started looking around and under the bench, "What's the problem?" Fishlegs asked, "I think I forgot my notebook at my desk." I replied, "You want me to come with you?" he asked, " No. It's okay. I'll get it myself. See you tomorrow, Fishlegs." I answered as I ran back towards the school.

It was already 7:55 pm when I got there and I hurriedly went to my classroom and immediately saw my notebook on my desk.

I exited my classroom and decided to take another route which is a bit longer since I was still pissed off of what just happened earlier.

I passed by the Mess Hall and then the Hall of Books which were both very scary looking in the dead of the night so I quickly walked away, I was near the Women's Basketball Gym when I heard faint sounds of ball bouncing on the hardwood.

As I came closer, the sound grew louder. "Who is still playing basketball at this hour?" I got curious so I looked around if anyone was around when I was sure the coast was clear, I sneakily went closer and  saw an open window a couple feet high. I looked around to find something to step on and I saw some boxes laying there so made a makeshift ladder out of them.

I tried stepping on it and it wobbled a bit but it managed to carry my weight and I was able to climb up on it.

At first, I can't see the anyone so I shifted my position a bit and I got a glimpse of her and her features; tall, slim, blonde, and long hair and pretty. "Blonde?" I thought, "Is that who I think it is?" I said to myself so I tried moving around to get a clearer view of her face which made one of the boxes slip to the side making me lose my balance and falling over flat on my ass.

The whole thing made a loud ruckus and my scream helped as well, I know that she heard it too, "Who's there?" I heard her shout, "Sh*t!" I muttered under my breath so I quickly stood up and picked up my bag and run away as fast as I can, not minding if I have a wound somewhere or the aches I was starting to feel or how dirty I might be.

 I just thought that I must not be seen there because I'll get in big trouble if she found out that I was watching her.

I ran past the guard, saying a fast 'Thank you' and continued my way to the bus stop. While catching my breath, I sat down on the bench there and I notice the dirt and filth covering my shorts, legs, and arms and even my bag burst open from the drop so I zipped it close before wiping the dirt off. "I hope she didn't see me." I leaned my head back while waiting for a bus to head home.

When morning came, I can tell that I bruised my butt from the hard fall I took last night. "I got hurt, not by playing basketball but by stalking a person." I laughed at the thought.

I was walking towards the bus stop when I heard loud footsteps going towards my direction, "Hey Fishlegs." I said, "Woah! How did you know it was me?" he asked, "You're the only one I know that runs that loud." I teased him, "Ha-Ha!" he sarcastically laughed in reply, "I told you, didn't I?" he said out of nowhere, "You told me what?" I asked confused of what he was talking about, "Remember when I told you that you'll be rich if you always play in 'THE PIT'." he replied, "Oh that." I said, "And it has only been two days and you're already one thousand bucks richer so what are you going to do with it?", "I don't know yet. Maybe buy some new basketball shoes.", "That's a nice idea." he commented.

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