Chapter 52: The Wrath of The Alpha

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Third Person's POV

Hiccup and Fishlegs finished three games and Hiccup won it all, "The rumors were true." Fishlegs remarked while he sat down on the bench, Hiccup laughed at what he said and he grabbed a water bottle and gave it to him before sitting next to him.

"Feelin' better?" Fishlegs asked, "A bit." Hiccup replied looking at the bottle in his hands.

"Uhm... You know... I was really angry when she rejected me." Hiccup said and Fishlegs looked at him without saying anything, "But I was more angry at myself, you know." Max followed looking at John, "We went back here because of basketball and only for basketball but meeting her again, all of my memories of her came flooding in." Hiccup continued, "But when I found out that she became such a huge deal, I lost hope since I had no confidence that I'll be a match for her." I fidgeted with the water bottle.

"So when she asked me to be her 'fake boyfriend', I agreed. I think that's the reason why I agreed with the agreement in the first place, it's all because I wanted to be close to her again just like back in the day." Hiccup smiled, "But I should have realized it from the very beginning. She's the top of the top and I'm...", "You're 'The Alpha, you're the 'Night Fury'. You are Henry Haddock III. Don't belittle yourself." Fishlegs exclaimed cutting off Hiccup midsentence which surprised Hiccup, "Thanks, dude." Hiccup offered a fist bump, "No problem, dude." Fishlegs accepted the gesture.

Hiccup's POV

I was resting up in my room after taking a shower, I played with my now, playful, feline. We were play fighting on the bed, throwing him back to my pillow as he charged back at me. We continued until I saw Toothless tiring out and I saw him drop belly up and instantly snoring, I chuckled at how cute he was. 

I watched some videos on my phone until I felt sleepy as well. 

- - - - - 

I sat up on my bed after hearing my alarm, I was rubbing my eyes and stretching my body, "Just thinking about what will happen later, I really don't want to go to school." I told myself and  I released a loud exhale before standing up and continued to prepare for school.

I wore a hoodie and sweatpants paired with AF1s. I went out and like usual Fishlegs was already waiting for me, "Based on your expression, you already know what will happen later." he told me, I just sighed in reply.

"So... Did she reached out about the article?" Fishlegs asked, "Nope." I replied, "Did you?" he followed, I shook my head, "You know, you can't avoid her forever. You'll probably need to talk sooner or later." Fishlegs stated, "I know but it was my idea to end our 'fake relationship ' and I don't think I have the strength to come up to her and talk about it again." I told him as we got on the bus to school.


Just like what Hiccup expected, he was immediately swarmed by the students from all the grades that knew about him and Astrid. Even when bombarded by questions about the article.

Hiccup's POV

Even having lunch was a complete hassle and it came to the point that I wanted to curse off anyone that comes up to me and keep asking the same questions about me and her.

I was in the Mess Hall ordering some lunch when I saw Fishlegs bursting in like a maniac, "There you are!" he exclaimed as he ran towards me, "We need to go." he grabbed my arm, "What? I haven't even got my food yet." I replied, "It's Astrid. Scott's harassing her again but now, he's not letting up." he told me, I apologized to the servers before following after Fishlegs. 

We went to the Main Hall and I immediately saw a crowd forming along the hallway by the lockers. We squeezed through and when I reached the front, I saw Heather and the others trying to get Astrid out but Snotlout's goons were stopping them. 

Snotlout got Astrid pinned against the lockers and I could see clearly how uncomfortable and disgusted she was. 

"You see, I told you that pipsqueak is not good enough for you. I knew that you were just using him to make me jealous. I know you need a man like me so stop playing hard to get and just be my girlfriend." I heard him tell her then I saw him leaning in forcing a kiss on her, that's when I knew I needed to step up. 

"SNOTLOUT!" I shouted and it echoed throughout the hallway, everyone turned their heads towards me, "Stop bothering Astrid, will you?" I declared, "I told you, don't call me that. This is none of your business anymore." Snotlout said, I walked closer and two of his goons got in my way. 

"Move." I looked at them and they just laughed at me, "Or what?" one of the guys snickered, "Or you'll be move. Forcefully." I heard from behind me and when I checked it was Dominic, Erasmus, Chandler, Melvin, Fishlegs, and the captain. 

The two goons looked at each other before making a way for me, "Hey Snotlout. Can't you see Astrid doesn't want you and she never will, is it too hard to get in that thick head of yours?" I went closer and I saw his eyes flare up and turned towards me, "Do you want me to knock some sense into you again?" I added and I could hear chuckles and murmurs around us, Snotlout looked at the surroundings and pushed himself off of Astrid and walked to me. 

"You were always a loudmouth. You keeping saying things, you could never back up." Snotlout said, "Even Astrid saw it. That's the reason you two broke up, isn't it?" he looked at her, "Even when we were kids, you pathetically thought that Astrid liked you as well but who would like someone like you?" he pushed me with his finger.

"What Astrid needs is someone like me. A football superstar and the next 'Stoick the Vast'." he flexed his muscles, "You? The next 'Stoick the Vast'? Don't make me laugh." I responded and glared at me, "I watched your so-called highlights and it was laughable. You fumbled the ball, you couldn't pass straight, you blame your teammates for your errors, and you can't even tackle properly. It made me wonder why is the coach still letting your dumb ass play and it all made sense since the coach was your dad. You were never a great player and you never lead any team to a championship, you made the team because your dad's there. So stop comparing yourself to my dad, you're nothing like him, you don't even amount to his little pinky." I declared and I saw him broke a fuse as he swung at me, I got my guard up but the force was too much that it launched me and I hit the lockers. 

I could feel something warm trickling on my face, it was blood. "Did I get it right, SNOT. LOUT. ?" I told him and he was about to charged in when I saw my teammates got in between of us, "Are you okay?" Fishlegs asked, "Yeah. Did she got away?" I questioned, "Yeah, thanks to you." he told me, Fishlegs helped me up and we were walking away when I heard Snotlout say something.   

"Yeah, you better run away. That's what you were best at. Go run to your mommy. Wait, you can't because she's dead." he snickered and something in me snapped.

Third Person's POV

Fishlegs also heard what Snotlout said, "Sh*t!" he knew what was going to happen, he tried holding on Hiccup but he wasn't fast enough in stopping him from charging towards Snotlout, he jumped between Dominic and Erasmus as he connected a punch on Snotlout's face but Snotlout wasn't knocked down and he managed to grab Hiccup by both shoulders and threw him to the lockers.

But Hiccup stood up like it was nothing and charged back, Snotlout stepped back in surprise of seeing Hiccup like a wild animal. 

He threw a right punch and Hiccup ducked down, Snotlout followed it with a left cross but Hiccup swerved and dodged, he then  jumped off the lockers and swung a hard elbow to Snotlout's face which dropped him and Hiccup got on top of him and continued to throw punches after punches. 

 Fishlegs and the others tried pulling Hiccup off of Snotlout but they couldn't, Hiccup was showing a different kind of strength. Snotlout let out a whimper, trying his best to put up his hand guarding himself but Hiccup was punching through it until Snotlout's face was a bloodied, swollen, and a bruised mess.

The only one who managed to stop Hiccup was Astrid as she embraced him from behind.  

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