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Chapter 1

At Jay's house

Morning 06:00 a.m

Author pov:

Jay woke up from the sleep hearing
his mom yelling at him, "yah, Jongseong if you don't come down within 5 minutes you are grounded for a whole week" jay shot up hearing this he rushed downstairs like his life depends on it.

"Mom you know you can't say that easily, why are you acting like a typical asian mom" jay asked his mom whining.

"Yah pabo i don't care what you say,
Go and get ready for university I have something to tell who knows maybe the wish you are asking for a whole month can be granted" his mom said as she put on a Playful expression, hearing that jay rushed upstairs to get ready he was so happy in the morning itself.

He came downstairs only to see his mom having a cover that has bills and a key ??

"Mom I am ready ,please tell me that dad agreed on me opening a coffee truck " jay asked as he looked at his mom desperate for the answer.

"Yes my little kid your dad agreed and he said to give this money to you it has 1000$" she said as she handed the money in the cover to him.

He looked confused " mom i don't need any money from you guys i don't want to depend on you guys I am capable of opening the shop on my own with the money you guys saved on fixed deposit , you don't need to give me this" jay said as he was feeling guilty to get money from his parents.

"Oh, my boy is acting all grown up, you don't have to worry about it sweetie let's make a deal we are lending you this money so that you can return it when you make a good profit from your cute little buisness"
His mom said as she patted his head.

Honestly it's not like they are poor or something his dad is the founder of park electronics it's not the no.1 company in Seoul but yeah it has entered the top 10 companies of South Korea.

Ever since jay became an adult he refuse being living on his parents money he completed his bachelor degree in business with his parents money now that he is studying masters he wants to stand on his own.

First he wanted to find a part time job but he was never allowed to have one cause his dad didn't like the idea of him working until 12 at midnight cause all the job that were available was late time works.

He used to study about coffee as 'non major elective' while studying bachelor degree.

So he has a good knowledge in making coffee like a professional and he knows how to make any type of coffee flavours.

So when he said his parents that he is gonna open a coffee truck for students his parents started throwing tantrums he was not allowed but after having a good conversation with his dad last evening his mind changed a bit.

And today morning he gave permission which gave made jay so happy about that .

He always wanted to make his coffee shop where vegan people and lactose intolerant can enjoy the taste that every coffee lovers devour.

Why?? cause he is an lactose intolerant and as someone who loved cappuccino and latte growing up it was hard for him to move his day without his daily dose of coffee.

Yeah he is a coffee addict and he is proud of it, he wanted everyone to have the taste of the normal coffee without hesitation.

He may sound dramatic but as someone who loves milk based food it was living hell once he found out he is an lactose intolerant.

"Okay mom I'll repay the favour"he said taking the money from her, he felt a rush of emotions right now.

Suddenly he hugged his mom and started crying " mom thank you so much for this i am seriously so happy right now thank you thank you thank you" he kept thanking her mom.

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