5.im 'foive'

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Chapter 5

So that day went well for the boys.

They enjoyed the concert and went home.

But one thing for sure heeseung is determined in getting Jongseong.

Present ~

The day went quickly and everyone was at their own place now.


Sunghoon,sunooo and jay was now at hoon's dad's garage to make the van accessible.

Now they three are working hard since they got help from a mechanic as the truck isn't in use for a half decade.

The evening went busy for the sunsunjay trio as they were working on Jay's dream.

Sunoo really wanted a job after his sister moved out and he started living alone.

Sunoo's parents were victims of car accident, luckily his parents were quite rich so they didn't starved to death,he and his sister were in school, it happened 5 years ago.

His sister moved out after her engagement with her long term boyfriend.

Sunoo is scared to be alone at his house since it is a pretty big villa for a single person, so he sometimes sleep at Jay's or jungwon's house.

"Hyung i am the one that is going to be the cashier and the official sunshine of our shop" sunoo said as the three sat down in the floor being too tired.

"What do you mean 'I aM tHe oNe tHaT iS going tO bE tHe cAsHier' I've also worked hard you'll be cleaning the tables" sunghoon said as he showed him a disgusting face.

"WHAT -" "stop it both of you, it's a coffee truck you bish not a real cafè, we are only gonna provide takeaway or self-service, understand that, and stop bickering i am tired let's go and eat something out" jay said as he really felt too tired.

"Yeah , whatever " sunghoon said "yeah, let's go eat tteokbokki hyungdeul" sunoo said as he left the garage.

"Aish this kid" said the both jayhoon and left the garage there is still some alterations left in the truck but they decided to call it a day.

They went to sunoo's house and changed there as sunghoon's dad is having some guests came over.

They all took shower one by one and left to eat something.

They three went by bus since no one is ready to drive the car.

They went to a nearby restaurant and ordered their food, while eating they saw a familiar boy.

"Hey isn't that Riki, what is he doing here Jake would be concerned if he knows that Riki is out late" sunoo said as he finished his second plate tteokbokki and a half bottle of soju.

"I don't know either, let's call him here" jay said as he finished his food.

They saw that Riki is dealing with the lady on the cash counter so they waited for him to finish.

"Riki yah over here" , sunghoon said as he finished his jajjangmyeon.

Riki saw them and waved back "coming" Riki said cutely.

"What are you doing Riki yah at late night "jay asked concerned, "ahhh it's nothing hyung I just came to deliver these lactose free cheese as they ran out of it and the delivery boy is on leave so dad said me to deliver this since I am a adult now" Riki said as showed them a cute smile.

The boys almost cooed at him but they know how Riki hated being called cute.

Suddenly "y'all our Riki turned 18 come on lets drink" jay said as he was nowhere near to the word sober.

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