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Chapter 13

At Mr.lee's house After jay left.

Heeseung's dad was thinking about sending him abroad so that he won't meet him again.

But before anything could happen, seokmin and joshua came.

Mr.lee accepted joshua as his parents are really wealthy in LA.

But in seokmin's relationship he is getting profitted.

While in heeseung's he got humiliated.

Well it's his fault for being way too selfish.

"Father are you out of your mind!!!?, you slapped the guy infront of his family!!????" Seokmin yelled at his father.

He didn't replied anything and continued to stay still and ignore him.

"I am sorry uncle but this is not right, i am going to LA for a family gathering and I'm taking soekmin with me and we will not return until this problem gets resolved and heeseung we will support you no matter what" joshua said.

" Get lost everyone I want no one i can be happy with my money, my buisness, my mansion and with all my glory you three get lost and never come again" Mr.Lee who was silent after his first son came said calmly as if they doesn't mean anything to him.

"Father please try to understand" heeseung said getting near him.

"Oh my son if you want me to understand leave that guy and marry the girl i choose and take over my company" his father said.

"I AM NOT LETTING JAY GO, AND THATS FINAL" heeseung yelled in frustration.


"Father-" heeseung was cut off by seokmin "you know what heeseung jay loves you so please go to him and live happily with him you'll suffer here" seokmin said making Mr.Lee's blood boil.

" Seokmin if you don't like it in here you can get lost too, and both of guys will not be my heirs nor my biological sons i am disowning you guys the next second you leave this house" he spatted.

"Oh well then i am taking my belongings with" seokmin said and was about to walk but he stopped by some workers from moving further.

" Well my child you can't do anything this is my house, you can't do anything without my permission" Mr.Lee smirked.

"Well father it's not like you bought something for us from your money, it's all mom's and even this house is mom's every single thing that me and heeseung is using is brought by our mom not with your money and if these workers of yours doesn't move from my way right now I'll have to call the cops on you" seokmin dead panned.

The workers left without saying anything.

Mr.lee was fuming in anger, practically seokmin is right he can't do anything.

"Get lost you three before i loose my temper" Mr.Lee said coldly.

Seokmin dragged heeseung and joshua upstairs.

"Heeseung you should've atleast try to talk back" joshua said while helping heeseung to pack his things.

" Yeah you should" seokmin added.

Heeseung hesitated seeing seokmin, joshua noticed that and pushed seokmin out the room.

"Hyung!! Why are you pushing me out" "get out" joshua kicked him out.

" You can tell now"joshua insisted.

Heeseung took a deep breath and started.

After the conversation.

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