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Chapter 3

The day when heeseung met jay

At Seoul National University

09:00 am

Author pov

"Hello everyone,I am Jake from buisness department and from event organising team, we welcome everyone from all around the world to our University's international cultural fest,if any inconveniences for international participants please contact me, find me near the main hall, thank you for coming, i hope you all for coming please enjoy the day"Jake said as he turned off the mic.

Now heeseung,beomgyu,Jeongin walking on the main hallway that connects the roads of the buisness administration block and English literature block.

There were students laughing and enjoying their quality time to the full cause everyone knows that the internal exams are starting next week.

They were conducting games everywhere,and which caught the trios eyes where the random dance floor.

There was a boy, he was devouring the stage even though it's was a random play dance the boy was just outstanding he was showing his 'talent'.

The crowd was showing "Riki!!! ,riki!!!" and there was a some boards showing
'our Ni-ki lechugo'
'ni-ki our gem'
'Riki our University's dance prodigy'.

That boy was clearly amazing, beomgyu went to someone in the crowd and asked"the boy is amazing what is his name and what department he is and what year he is from" and boy that beomgyu asked turned out to be Jake.

"Oh he is nishimura riki he is not a college student he's from our university's art school, he has everyone's heart here , he is from Japan".

Jake said having heart eyes and anyone who sees Jake could probably say that he is in love.

Well Jake's been in love with Riki for almost 2 years, it was love at first sight he can't help but to fall for him.

"Oh , I see well he is quite handsome he is talented aswell, not as much as me but still handsome tho" beomgyu said as he flipped his hair that almost reached his shoulders.

Jake giggled at this strangers comments, "yes mr.handsome may i know which college you are from, seeing from your participant Identity card you don't seem you study here"
Jake questioned the bear boy.

"Well we are from Busan engineering college we are here for the fest, i am choi beomgyu, theses are my friends yang Jeongin and Lee heeseung nice to meet you"beomgyu suddenly stops and shouts"WAIT ARE YOU THE ONE THAT SPOKE ON THE MIC BEFORE 5 MINUTES YOUR VOICE SEEMS FAMILIAR" beomgyu asked as he was staring at Jake.

Jake chuckled at the older's reaction and said" yes I am that one who spoke on the Mic and my name is sim Jake you can call me jaeyun if you want to "

Heeseung and Jeongin shook hands with Jake as they got introduced.


"Annyeongshimika yerobun" the voice started everyone, Jake chuckled at his bestie's playful tone.
[Reference: jayhoon at shuhua's show during dark blood promotion]

" Don't be scared that's my friend Jongseong he is just a playful cat" Jake said to the boys that seemed shocked after hearing jay speaking out of nowhere

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" Don't be scared that's my friend Jongseong he is just a playful cat" Jake said to the boys that seemed shocked after hearing jay speaking out of nowhere.

"Annyeongshimika yerobun, this is Jay from buisness administration, everyone please assemble infront of seokjin hall so that we can enjoy the music show that is going to start in a few minutes, well........ coming there is completely your wish as we aren't forcing you guys but you will regret cause we have the 'one and only '
Boy next door is performing here, see you guys the show BOY TO THE NEXT TO THE DOOR, until then this is park Jongseong signing off" jay finished as he switched off the mic.

" Well his voice is cute and oddly satisfying" heeseung said out of blue.

Jake was shocked hearing this" hey mr.heeseung you just heard his voice he is more charming in personal i am wondering how you will react when you see him well that's not possible he is busy today"Jake said as he was now looking at heeseung.

To be honest Jake was seeing how tall heeseung is he was towering over Jake but he is not that tall as Riki but still tall enough to make Jake look petite.

"Well let's see your friend and decide whatsoever next" heeseung said as he knows how capable he is for making people go down on knees for him.

Jake scoffed at this" let's see mr.bambi"Jake said.

The boys got close with Jake in no amount of time, now Jake is touring the boys around the campus.

And that's when heeseung was feeling dizzy they ate lots of street food yesterday night as they arrived at Seoul, the boys are at their dorm at Busan so eating outside food is like once in a blue moon for the boys and heeseung went overboard last night eating everything he saw.

He ate almost everything he saw now he got dizzy cause they also don't have enough sleep and the place is too crowded for his liking.

He felt everything spinning and that's when he know he lost control over himself before he faced the ground he felt someone carrying him and the person is squeezing his shoulders to keep him awake and the person is none other than park Jongseong.

He slowly came to his self when he felt he is no longer at a crowded place he is now in a more free place and feel free to breathe normally.

"Hey mr are you okay, you don't seem to be" jay said as heeseung was still in his shoulders.

"Yes I am okay just i felt anxious cause of the crowd, I am completely fine, I guess?" Heeseung said scratching his back neck.

"Well a it's shocked to know that a handsome like you had an anxious breakdown Just before meeting mee" jay said flirting as blush started to creep around heeseung's ear.

Jake who was beyond shocked seeing his shy best friend flirting with a boy he just saw.

Jake who was beyond shocked seeing his shy best friend flirting with a boy he just saw

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Well that's for today see you guys tomorrow.

Bye my cuties🤡 love you guys thanks for the support.

I never know i will get above 50 views wow thank cuties🤡 so much.

Love you

Thank you
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