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Chapter 4

"Well if i didn't have any breakdown i would never have the opportunity to be held by this cutie ahh thank you God" heeseung,who was now fully conscious said looking at jay while being dramatic.

Jay who was beyond shock cause he doesn't know that this stranger who he just flirted would flirt back,was now blushing.

"Yah!! kids these days, shut up heeseung, are you okay??,bish i said don't over stuff your stomach look what happened and thanks mr. For catching this idiot" Jeongin said as he had enough of these Flirty bastards.

"You are welcome mr. and it's park Jongseong or jay" jay said as he was now shaking hands with i.n.

"Yaaaaah!!, Jeongin-ah why you have to ruin the mood, i made this cutie blush,and because chan hyung is not here that doesn't mean we aren't allowed to flirt with anyone cause you miss you fiancee" heeseung said as he saw how Jeongin was annoyed cause his boyfriend, well his fiancè didn't allowed him to flirt with anyone and even no talking to strangers.

"Bish , don't bring chan hyung here, he knows i won't flirt or talk to strangers unlike you who checks out every single thing in the world"
Jeongin sassed as he was slightly offended by the fact that heeseung brought his bf into the subject.

"Bishes stop!!!!, i am starving, and you guys started fighting here, please know that we are in another university please don't bring our college name down" beomgyu said as he got enough of these two.

"Yeah yeah whatever" said the both while rolling their eyes meanwhile jayke is enjoying the drama happening while giggling.


"Jeonginieee hyung i missed you", said a feline eyed boy while throwing himself at Jeongin.

"Jungwon ah, hyung missed you so fucking much, how are you, you seem to loss alot of weight" Jeongin said as he hugged his younger brother back.

Beomgyu and heeseung was smiling at the brothers reunion while jayke duo was shocked at this new info.

" Yah hyung, i am eating well , and i am not the one who is far from home for my studies, are you even taking care of yourself?!?" jungwon asked Jeongin as he was snuggling closer to his brother who is 5 cm shorter than him.

"Yah stop snuggling i am already short, are you showing off your height or something" i.n asked offended as the feline eyed male had a mischievous smile.

Jungwon's attention diverted from his hyung to jay, his eyes saddened at the view.

Heeseung has arms wrapped around Jay's waist for support while jay is holding heeseung for support.

Even though heeseung is completely sober now.

Heeseung noticed jungwon's behaviour and immediately guessed that this boy has a crush on jay, he immediately let go of jay cause he didn't want to break jungwon's heart.

"Hey, mr.friend of jungwon's hyung are you okay now" Jay asked as he saw that heeseung let go of him so suddenly.

"Yeah , i am good, and it's lee heeseung cutie,if you feel my name is too big you can just call me 'love'"
Heeseung Said flirting with jay.

Jay blushed at the comment "are you always this Flirty mr.lee??"
Jay asked as now heeseung is holding his hands.

"Nope , not at all, it's just you are too cute to resist"heeseung said as he left Jay's hand cause of someone glaring at him.

Suddenly jungwon cut them of with" hello beomgyu hyung, hello heeseungie hyung nice to meet you,
hyung said alot about you".

Jungwon said with an adorable smile which melted everyone's heart.

He received a pat from heeseung and beomgyu.

Suddenly jungwon felt someone twisting his both ears.

Only to find out it's the sunsun duo
"Yah hyungdeul it's hurting let go"
Jungwon said as he made a puppy face while he is a cat.

"Yah , you punk cause of you we have to hear a lecture from Mr.kim about behaving ourselves, cause you ran away after breaking his favourite mirror he is torturing us with his rap thank God Mr.jung came and saved us or else he would have beaten up us with his pink slippers".
Sunghoon said as he is glaring at won.

"Hyung it's not my fault that you can't escape from that place, you should've ran away with me" jungwon said as he showed his tounge playfully

"Sunoo hyung i am sorry for leaving you there, but Mr.park sunghoon i am not sorry about leaving you there" jungwon said as he showed puppy eyes to sunoo which he can't resist he immediately let go of jungwon's ear.

"Aish jungwon ah don't do this again okay you will hurt yourself and I forgave you"sunoo said as he caress jungwon's ear while on the other hand sunghoon is twisting his other ear.

He don't know why but jungwon felt something in his stomach twisting and his cheeks turning crimson red when sunoo caressed his ears.

He can't like sunoo right cause he already has a crush on jay for 3 years and this feelings are strange to him.

But whatever the feeling be he loved when sunoo touched him or acts cute around him.

Jungwon feels more jealous if someone is even breathing near sunoo, he can't be in love with sunoo right!!?? Cause he likes jay already.

"Yah you brats stop being lovey dovey, and sunoo this is betrayal, i felt offended you seemed you were about to cry infront of Mr.kim and here you are --- i am speechless these punks" sunghoon said as he felt betrayed by sunoo.

Meanwhile jay is enjoying the drama while heeseung is enjoying seeing jay.

Meanwhile jay is enjoying the drama while heeseung is enjoying seeing jay

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That's all for today.

Thank you for reading 😄

I am sorry guys i was busy with my studies this week.

Thank you cuties 🤡 for coming here .

Sorry for making you guys wait

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