9. tale of the 'nine' tailed

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Chapter 9

" Is the cutie taking order available?" Heeseung asked as he took his mask off.

Jay looked at him with out any expression, he is happy inside but yesterday's incident made him come back to reality.

" No, sorry sir we aren't selling our workers, would you like to order anything edible" jay asked.

" Yes, how about your lips" heeseung asked winking.

"Wtf" jay said.

"Don't be angry I'll get an charamel machiatto and if complementary can I get that lips" heeseung asked pointing towards Jay's lips.

" I'll get your order sir, but we don't give complementaries so sorry" jay said and went to make his order.

jay came with the order, heeseung took it and paid for it, jay gave him some toffees as complenanraires.

" Thank you Mr.park" heeseung said and stood there.

"Aren't you leaving or do you want anything else" jay asked as he saw
that heeseung is not moving.

" No it seems like you are going to close the shop so I am taking you out" heeseung said confidently.

"And who said i am coming with you??" Jay asked and raised his eyebrows.

" Who cares you are coming with me" heeseung said and sat at the bench nearby.

" This hyung is really nuts" jay said and started cleaning up.

After 20 minutes

"Hyung what are you doing here?" Jungwon asked.

"Nothing jungwon ah i am taking jay out for a small hang out" heeseung said and grabbed Jay's hand.

Jungwon looked at their hands and sighed, moreover jay didn't protest or something.

" Okay bye hyungdeul, we'll get going"jungwon said and dragged sunoo from there.

Sunghoon laughed at this, every ship is sailing but him(don't worry sunghoon ah i am here), it's not like he is sad, he like his personal space.

"Bye jay, bye hyung I'll get going" sunghoon waved his hand and rode his bike away.

"Can I know what is this hyung?" Jay asked as he raised one eyebrow.

" See jay-yah let's go somewhere else I wanna talk to you about yesterday" heeseung said

" Wait hyung, let me drop the van in garage,then we'll go wherever you want" jay said letting his gaurd down.

"I'll come with you too I came by walk" heeseung said as Jay looked him shocked.

"What!!! I am grounded from using cars and bikes for a month so I came by walk" jay didn't said anything they went with to garage and started walking towards nearby park.

" What do you wanna say?" Jay asked breaking the silence.

"Let's sit and talk??" Heeseung asked with puppy eyes.

"Fine!!" They say there, " mind starting?" Jay asked.

" Okay but please stop being cold towards me it hurts" heeseung said with a sad face,jay regretted being cold towards him.

"I am sorry hyung you can continue"
Jay said and held heeseung's hand.

" Let me start, the person you saw at the store is my older brother, Lee SeokMin, he loves a guitarist named Hong jisoo, more like known as the famous guitarist Joshua" heeseung stopped when jay's eyes sparkled at the mention of the guitarist.

Yes he is the guitar teacher for jay when he was like 13 while joshua is 19 back in America, they lost contact when joshua came to Korea and the next following year jay came to Korea.

"Oh you mean shua hyung he became famous after coming here, i know him back in America, I'll tell you later,for now you continue" jay said and listened more focused this time.

"So yeah they both are dating and our dad doesn't want someone from entertainment industry in our family as he hated these stuff, yesterday me and hyung were arguing with dad and he slapped me for supporting my hyung and called me ungrateful brat cause they thought I was meddling to much into their business" heeseung said as Jay hugged him.

"And he grounded me for a month,when we came out hyung hugged me to console me but you saw and misunderstood, I was about to come to you but you walked away" jay regretted doing that.

" I am sorry hyung you looked really sad and yeah I agree i misunderstood the situation, i even regretted that I fell for you, i am sorry hyung" jay said as he didn't realised his words.

Heeseung who heard Jay's word clear, broke the hug and looked at Jay's eyes, jay realised his words and started getting embarrassed by the situation.

"Park Jongseong did you meant what you said?" Heeseung asked as Jay nodded slightly.

"I meant every single word i said"jay said and put his head low as he is scared of rejection as if heeseung is not head over heels for him.

Heeseung didn't waste a second and crashed their lips, jay who is still shocked came to reality and gave in the kiss.

" I love you park Jongseong, till I die i promise" heeseung said as he connected their fore heads.

"I love you too my heedeungie hyung till my last breath i promise too" jay said as heeseung found it cute.

Heeseung didn't hesitated and again pulled him for a kiss.

Heeseung didn't hesitated and again pulled him for a kiss

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Hello guys,500+ reads oh my God, thank you so much.

I love you guys.

My study holidays started so I'll upload daily except the day before my exams.

So yeah love you all.

Thank you for reading.

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So this is the cover of my new yunki book I'll upload soon.

Hehe yes iam promoting 😁😁😁

Hehe yes iam promoting 😁😁😁

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