8. ateeeeee

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Chapter 8

The next day

Jay woke up and came down only to see a horrible scene.

Yeah sunoo is trying to cook.

Jay looked terrified at the sight, and sunghoon??????? He is trynna use a lighter in a induction stove.

" You both get out of the kitchen now!!!!!!" Jay shouted thinking if he didn't came in the time what would've happened.

Jay started cleaning up the mess,jungwon,that cat is still sleeping soundly in sunoo's bed.

"Thank God I came in time, why tf you tried to cook Kim  sunoo, and park sunghoon you trynna use a lighter in a induction stove, are you nuts ??" Jay asked as he saw they didn't made that much mess, just some broken eggshells here and there some flour on the kitchen table.

"We are sorry" sunoo said as he held  his head low freeling guilty.

"It's okay we'll order food outside". Jay said as he went to take a shower.

Time skip

After they finished their morning routine they went to the van to check the arrangements.

Jake already made advertisements around the town and they appointed 2 part timers as they can't handle all the work.

Now it's almost 6 pm they are going to open the shop to be honest jay is soo Happy to make is small dream come true.

Everyone appreciated jay his family and friends are there to motivate him.

Even after everyone is here he wished heeseung was here.

Funny right after what he saw at the store.

But it can be a misunderstanding right???.

They started taking orders and people started taking takeovers.

Jay was really happy, Jake did a good job advertising his shop, he even started a insta account to promote this.

" A cup of matcha latte please" Jake asked playfully " yes sir!" Jay saluted and gave him his drink.

The friends chuckled at this and enjoyed doing their work.

"Jaeyun ah can you please call Riki and say that the we are about to ran out of milk so they could deliver it" sunghoon said as he is packing some drinks.

"Oh---, Riki-- why me?? Ask sunoo to do that, you know he don't like me" Jake sighed and put his head low.

" See sunoo is busy and jungwon is there at the billing, you are the only one that is free doing nothing you call him and he doesn't hate you" sunghoon said as he knows his best friend.

" Fine, how much liters ???" " Jay said 3 is enough as we are about to close the shop" Jake nodded and called Riki

On the call

Jake: hello

Riki: hello hyung, how are you, i guess it's gonna rain today you never call me.

Jake: haha , it's just right now I am in Jay's coffee truck, I called you to ask if you guys can deliver like 3 liters of toned milk???

Riki: oh, you called for that, sure hyung I'll deliver it in 10 minutes

*Riki had a low voice that Jake didn't called him to talk or spend some time*

Jake: thank you Riki, bye

Riki: bye hyung ~


" Ooh what was that his last words did something to me, ahhhhhh" Jake was squealing like a teenage girl.

"Yah you punk i said that he doesn't hate you" hoon said.

The part timers were enjoying the drama while working.

After some time Riki came and jay offered him a cup of coffee.

Riki asked if he could hangout with Jake tonight, which Jake immediately accepted.

" Yunki is sailing" sunoo teased as Riki gave a genuine smile, Jake didn't heard anything.

After sometime they were about to close the truck and get some rest, a customer in all black came.

Jay noticed that sunoo was not at the cashier so he went to take the order.

"Welcome to Jong's twilight coffee, what would you like to have??" Jay

" Well is the cutie taking the order available" it was heeseung.

Sorry y'all for leaving you guys in cliffhanger i am slightly I'll

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Sorry y'all for leaving you guys in cliffhanger i am slightly I'll.

I'll make sure to upload tonight another chapter.

Thank you for reading.

Comments and feedbacks are highly appreciated.

Love you all bye

Your author

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