11. you made me feel like 'eleven'

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Chapter 11

It's been a month since jay started his own business.

Heeseung and Jay's relationship was going not so smooth, jay has to face a sulky heeseung whenever someone flirts with jay.

Jealousy heeseung is a handful for jay to handle.

They fight a lot but at the end of the day they'll finish it with a cup of coffee.

Sometimes heeseung would help with jay in the shop.

Jungwon started moving on from jay, which is harder than he thought but jungwon had sunoo his side.

Jake and Riki ? It's a slow burn story, both are falling harder for each other day by day but scared to confess.

Sunghoon was taking figure skating classes on weekends and helps jay at shop if he has time.

"Jay I'm sorry i am not supposed to scare him, it happened unintentionally" heeseung ran behind a angry jay.

" Hyung he's just a guy who asked for Directions you don't have to scare him, he looked terrified by your prank" jay said as he was fed up by the older.

" Jay-yah I don't know he's a passersby, i thought he was flirting with you, it's not my fault" heeseung was almost tearing up.

" Hyung can you let go of me I want to open the truck"jay is searching for the keys.

Heeseung saw that no one's in the
garage, hee took the chance and cornered jay.

"Hyung i know you would do that, i am not forgiving you" jay acted as if it was a daily thing.

"Eyyyy i know but you made me jealous by talking to that stranger now I am getting my apologies" heeseung leaned in.

"Bruh as if you can" jay tried to get out of the trap.

Heeseung was about to back off but suddenly sunghoon bursted inside making heeseung trip and fall on jay.

" Yoiii guys they opened a new tiramisu store near-- oh shit you guys can continue making out I'll come later" sunghoon ran away.

Heeseung took the chance and started kissing jay.

As sunghoon said they are making out.

Time skip

Yes heeseung and jay make out-- i mean make it up.

Things are going well until heeseung's dad sees both heeseung and jay kissing in the park.

He made a big issue in the park, calling his son names and about to slap his son's partner.

And if it weren't for the people complaining about them disturbing his dad might've killed both of them on spot.

Now both heeseung and jay were standing in Mr. Lee's living room.

Jay was clearly pissed off by Mr.lee's behaviour.

It's obvious that Mr.lee is not homophobic but moneyphobic.

"Lee heeseung are you stupid or what i promised the kang family you will marry their daughter but what is this you are in love with a mere coffee shop barista" his dad is screaming his lungs out.

"Dad you can't promise my marriage without my permission and i love jay i will be with him please don't interfere in my life" heeseung had enough.

" You will do what I say, you better leave this cheap barista and marry the person i am choosing for you"

Jay is not a soft person he is containing him self for heeseung even though the old man is literally throwing tantrums like a kid.

Jay was about to say something but before that heeseung held his hand and gave them a slight squeeze indicating that he is always by his side.

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