10. 'ten'

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Chapter 10

Heeseung is still kissing jay like there is no tomorrow.

Jay who is feeling a whole zoo in his stomach, he tapped heeseung's shoulder to let him know he is out of breath.

"Hyung!! I might die if you keep doing this" jay pouted.

"Hahaha, you know how happy i am when you said that you love me, i can't handle my happiness, thankyou jay-yah, i love you so much" heeseung started running in the park.

Jay was glad that it was almost 9 p.m so he let the older be.

Heeseung was still running like a small kid who got the candy after throwing lots of tantrums.

Jay had enough and walked to heeseung he grabbed his neck and pulled him into another kiss.

Heeseung was shocked that jay was the one to kiss him first not the other way around.

They both are having their happy time,but what they didn't see was a almost crying jungwon and a clueless sunoo who don't know how to console jungwon.

Jungwon started running away from the park while sunoo following him scared that jungwon might do something.

Heeseung pulled out this time " let's go it's getting cold, I'll pick you up tomorrow like today".

Jay nodded and they started walking towards Jay's home.

When they reached , heeseung was about to walk away " wait!! I'll be back" jay rushed inside and came with a pack of cookies and a key.

He took his bike out and " get on hyung, I'll drop you, and I don't accept no as an answer" jay said demanding, heeseung chuckled and hoped on the bike.

After 5 minutes they arrived at heeseung's house.

Jay was about to go but he remembered the cookies " Hyung!!! Have these cookies, don't think about anything, everything will be fine, and dream about me " jay said winking.

Heeseung was really shocked by this bold jay, " well park Jongseong ssi
Where did you get this much confidence it's making me wanna do illegal things to you" heeseung said coming near him.

" Yoiii wtf i just tried to be you for a minute and the outcome aren't good oh my gawd, please help me gawd"
Jay said backing away a little.

" Well too late" with that heeseung started kissing jay again for the fourth time in 2 hours.

This time heeseung made sure that Jay's lips were swollen.

" Okay bye babes", heeseung said and went inside before jay could kill him.

"Really wtf, whatever good night" jay said and started his bike.

"Call me when you reached home" jay nodded and went.

Jay came home only to see sunghoon and his mom eating in dining table.

" Hi mom, what happened he won't even come if i beg him now he is here" jay said pointing at sunghoon.

" Why are you asking me ask him, after all it's not my business" she said and ruffled sunghoon's hair.

" Whatever, I'm not that hungry I ate with heeseung hyung" jay said and left to his room.

Sunghoon raised his eyebrow and followed jay.

" What happened to your lips it seems like someone almost swallowed it" sunghoon asked as Jay turned at him.

" Well me and heeseung hyung are dating now" jay said not bothered.

" BOY WHAT THE FUCK" sunghoon shouted.

" Yah it's true go to sleep I'm tired i don't wanna talk to you" jay said and went to take shower.

He already texted heeseung by the way way.

Sunghoon stood there shocked not knowing what to do.

" Yaaaah you punk what do you mean by that!!!???? All of sudden?!!!!" Sunghoon shouted again.

" Betterluck next time I'm not answering you today" jay said and went to sleep.

" Betterluck next time I'm not answering you today" jay said and went to sleep

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Yeah I thought to upload it cause I'm a little bit okay now.

I'm not fully recovered but yeah this chapter is for my cuties.

I love you all, have a nice day.

I'll see you guys when I get fully recovered.

Bye bye

Your author

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