2.take 'two'

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Chapter 2

Heeseung's POV

I was walking down the hallway when I saw my cute jay and his overprotective cousin sunghoon.

I waved at hoon and when I turned to wave at jay, he looked extra cute today, i wondered how can someone be so energetic and happy at Monday morning.

I can't help but I winked and sent a flying kiss to him , he looked really shocked more like taken aback.

When he realised what I've done I was already in the class room.

I am 100 percent sure he is blushing now after all i am Lee heeseung.

I was inside our classroom waiting for my jay to be honest I am serious about jay i really like him.

I am just flirting with him for now so that I can see how much I have my 'heeseung effect' on him lol.

It all started 5 months ago when I saw him in a inter college meet.

I was a engineering final year student while he was a BBA final year student.

I really fell for his character the first time I saw him he was like "in a world of boys he is a gentleman".

He is the perfect example for the line.

Woah I then collected his whereabouts , then get to know that he'll be studying MBA at Seoul University, so i applied here and got selected well maybe god want us both together.

I was snapped back when I saw Jake and sunghoon entering our class.

Jay was about to enter and that's when the old man called us both cause we are the class monitors.

Seriously class monitors for master degree students????!!!

Once we entered our professor's room he started blabbering about the upcoming solo project.

Honestly it's been 2 weeks since university started and here they are giving assignment like what the actual hell.

When we came out of his room the hallway was empty.

I started speaking with him, then i suddenly kissed his cheeks, he was wonderstruck.

I ran away before he can even process everything that just happened.

I heard him yelling my name, honestly I loved the feel the kiss gave it was so magical.

He came inside the class and sat like nothing happened but I can clearly see that his face is turning red woah the angry bird can blush.

And he is sweating like hell woah i love my effect on him.

It was easy for me as we are seatmates so that we can spend more time.

And when he was about to talk to me Mrs.Kim already entered the class.

I thanked the god cause who knows he might kill me for what happened earlier.

When Mrs.kim turned to the interactive panel I leaned to him and said
"You looked so beautiful while blushing my cutie" he again blushed at the line and kicked my leg under the bench.

"Ouch" i let out a slight scream thank God it wasn't that loud but I can clearly see hoon is giving both of us a weird look more like a judging look.

I laughed at it cause I know i might want to give an explanation to Mr.Parksunghoon cause of his overprotective ass towards jay.

So yeah hello cuties 🤡 I wanna say that I'll be busy this week and may be the following one too so i am say that I will update the book but not big chapters

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So yeah hello cuties 🤡 I wanna say that I'll be busy this week and may be the following one too so i am say that I will update the book but not big chapters.

I'll upload on daily basis from today but the chapters will be short.

Comments and feedbacks are highly appreciated.

Okay bye love you my cuties.

Thanking you
You writer

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