7.'seven' days a week

110 10 24

Chapter 7

The next day

Jay was sleeping peacefully, not until a wide awake sunghoon came and screamed "yaaah park Jongseong, wake up it's 11 a.m"

"Aaaaah bish stop shouting"jay said as he started chasing sunghoon.

"Bish don't run" jay shouted, "hahaha ,you can't catch me you punk "hoon said running into the guest room and locking the door at Jay's face.

"I'll see you at University anyways,let's see where you are running then" jay said as he went to get ready.

Time skip

They all are now in their perspective classes.

Today heeseung was awfully quiet, jay was confused by the olders behaviour.

He thought stirring this situation makes it worse, so he kept quiet.

The day went like that, no one was ready to create a conversation that they know very well would clear all problems.

Jay came home with the excitement of decorating and buying essential things for his shop.

Sunghoon and jay were now in front of one of the branches of lee electronics and Home appliances.

Jay don't know why but he feels something uneasy while being there.

Sunghoon was giving instructions about the address so they can deliver it correctly.

Suddenly jay saw heeseung coming out of the office room with a man in his mid 20's.

Jay's heart broke seeing this, all this time heeseung was playing with his feelings???

Jay pov:

As we are about to leave the place, I saw a familiar figure, Heeseung hyung???? What is his business here,and why he is in the office room??.

Suddenly a man in his 20's came and hugged hyung, he was 3 cm shorter than hee hyung.

The man looked handsome,they both hugged each other.

I felt like dying, it's not like me and heeseung hyung are dating,i guess I fell for him.

I felt like my heart broke but I saw hand prints on heeseung hyung's cheek.

His eyes were puffed,he is not sobbing but still tears are rolling down.

"Jay yah come lets go,i finished the process" i panicked when hoon shouted, heeseung hyung saw me.

"Jay-yah it's not-" before hyung could complete his words i dragged hoon outside.

"Jay are you okay??, you don't seem to be" hoon asked me as we got out of the store.

I nodded and he didn't said anything we went to a icecream shop.

He thought icecream would heal my broken heart, funny right.

Well I can't blame him he cares for me so much, that I don't deserve.

We went straight to the garage, when we arrived we saw that the things had already been delivered, sunoo was the one to receive it.

"Aah sunoo-yah thank you so much for receiving these" i said and hugged him.

"Hyung i know you are not okay don't try to cover up with thanking me, what happened" sunoo asked as I felt exposed, gosh I hate how he reads me.

"It's nothing I am just nervous about tomorrow" yes tomorrow we are opening the shop, I lied to sunoo, but he seemed convinced with that.

"It's okay jay hyung, ot will be fine let's fight this together"sunoo said and hugged me again.

"Stop acting cringe, let's start unpacking and set things up" hoon said as he came inbetween us and went to unpack the parcels.

"Hyung, jungwon asked if he can come here to help us, as his parents were out of station, he is kinda bored, please let him come here for me" sunoo asked with puppy eyes thinking I will reject the offer.

"Of course, how can I let my sunoo leave this chance of spending time with his one sided love" i said as he blushed, this kid is so in love.

"I'll tell him to come here hyung" sunoo said excitedly.

Jungwon came after 20 minutes, and we started working.

Time skip

As we finished our work it was almost 12:30 am.

"Aaahhh I am so tired" jungwon growled as he is snuggling closer to sunoo.

"Let's sleep at sunoo's tonight as his house is near" i suggested and everyone agreed.

Thank God tomorrow is the weekend, we already checked the working conditions of the gadgets, so we can open the shop without any obstacles.

We came into sunoo's house, i know where to go since it's not my first time here.

I took one of sunoo's pajamas and lay down on the bed.

Today's incident came into my mind, how that man hugged heeseung hyung, how he let him do anything he wanted.

And his puffy eyes, tear filled cheeks, and a slap mark in his face????.

Anyways he was just flirting with me, i shouldn't think more than that.

It would have been great if i never fell for heeseung.

Why does it have to be him, why does my heart have to race whenever he is near me, ahhhh this is too much for me to handle.

I kept fighting with my thoughts until I fell asleep.

I kept fighting with my thoughts until I fell asleep

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I kept my promise, i came back after a week.

Sorry for making you guys wait.

Bye bye

Your author

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