Beautiful Shiny Thingy

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Cassie POV :-

Jeremy woke up early in the morning, the next day. He asked me to get ready because we were going to the hospital to visit 'Vicki'.

I replied a simple fine and went to my room to get ready. After getting ready I went down to see aunt Jenna. She asked me, "How are you up so early? Why are you up so early?"

Before I could reply Jeremy butted in, "Um I have wood workshop. I have to finish a birdhouse. Just wanted to take Case with me."

Aunt Jenna nodded and replied, "Ok. Be safe" I gave Jeremy a bombastic side eye.

After finishing breakfast I hopped onto Jeremy's back and we took off to the hospital.

Time skip :-

It took us half and hour to walk to the hospital. Well It took Jeremy half and hour.

He put me down and took my hand taking me to Vicki's room. She was sleeping. I felt a bit sad for her. It must hurt a lot when someone gets bit by an animal. I hate getting hurt. It hurts getting hurt.

The nurse entered the room to check Vicki's pulse. She saw us and told us, "You both can't be in here."

"I just.... How is she?" Jeremy asked the nurse.

The nurse told him, "She's lost a lot of blood."

I didn't want to talk about blood because it made me feel nausy, so I left the room and looked for a place to sit. After finiding a seat I sat down and pulled my phone out playing 'Subway Surfers'.

After five minutes Jeremy left the room and came up to me. He told me, "Hey Case we are leaving, let's go." I nodded and made pick me up hands. He let out a laugh and picked me up. I laid my head on his shoulder and whispered in his, "Your gay..." He said shut up and then we went off to school.

Time skip :-

After reaching school Jeremy placed me down. I looked for Elena but I couldn't find her. So I looked for my friend. BTW his name is Sam. He is half Indian and half American.

Sadly he didn't come to school today. So I had to be alone the whole day.

Time skip :-

It's lunch break. I was sitting alone in a corner bored. I coukdn't find Jeremy so I looked for Elena. A girl...nah dumbass, came up to me. I groaned and asked her, "What do you want Chloe?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to know where is that friend of yours?" she told me, which made me roll my eyes.

I just ignored her and looked around for my sister and found her. So I picked my tray up and ran to my sister. I jumped on the bench she was sitting on and screamed her name. She asked me to shut up. I replied, "Sissy nobody can hear us. The cafeteria is already super noisy." She just nodded so I sat down next to her and started eating.

Time skip :-

Me, Elena, Bonnie and Caroline were at the grill after school was over. I had gotten chocolate milkshake...again.

I zoned out because Bonnie was talking about her drunk grandma and her drunk grandma's witchy tales. I zoned back in when Caroline asked Lena to continue about her and Stefan, "So then what?"

"So then nothing." Sissy simply replied chuckling a bit.

Caroline groaned and tried asking Elena again, "You and Stefan talked all night? There was no sloppy first kiss or touchy-feely of any kind."

Elena sighed and replied, "Nope we didn't go there."

"Not even a handshake. C'mon Elena we are your friends, okay! You are supposed to share the smut. Okay. Girl likes boy. Boy likes girl. Sex." Caroline said, smiling evily. That's my thing.

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