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Cassie POV :-

"Cassie wake up NOW!" aunt Jenna yelled at me, snatching my blanket. I ignored her and concentrated on sleeping. She again yelled at me asking me to wake up, and left my room. I opened one of my eyes to check if she has left and went back to sleeping. What I didn't know was that, she left my room to get a bucket of water.

Suddenly all I could feel at the moment was water. I screamed like hell and jumped out of my bed. "That's what you get for watching phone late at night" aunt Jenna said.

"Oh you found out."

"YES I DID" she yelled at me and continued, "now go change and get ready for school" I groaned and walked towards the bathroom very slowly. "QUICK" she yelled again.

"FINE" I yelled back.

Elena was going down for breakfast when she saw me and greeted me"Good morning Case."

"More like cruel morning" I replied.

Lena chuckled and asked, "Aunt Jenna." I nodded and went to the bathroom to brush.

After getting ready I went downstairs and ate my breakfast. Aunt Jenna left because she was late.

Time Skip :-

Bon had picked me and Lena up. Bon was trying to convince Sissy to take the whole 'dating Stefan' part slowly. We were getting down from the car when Bon started saying, "I'm not saying not to date the guy. I am just telling to take it slow."

"You were the one who said go for it" Lena told Bon.

"Now I'm asking you to take it slow."

"You all are just weird. One day you guys wanna have sex while the next day you guys are like 'C'mon he might be a terrorist. Be aware'" I said mocking them and smirking. Both of them sent me a death glare so I continued, "Well I am going to go then byeee" I hugged both Lena and Bon and ran away.

Time Skip :-

It's lunch time. Me and Sam were looking for a place to sit. While looking around, I saw Stefan. He looked lonely, so I told Sam, "How about we go sit next to him."

"What no way! I am not sitting with him. He's way older than us."

"Ok fine then I'll go." I said plainly to him and walked over to Stefan.

"Fine, wait I'll come" he told me and ran behind me.

"Hi Hero-boy" I greeted Stefan while sitting opposite to him with Sam.

"Hi Cassie. Nice Nickname." He replied back, sarcastically.

"I am very good at that. Thank you. BTW this is Sam, my best friend." I told Stefan.

"Hi Sam"

"Hi" Sam replied shyly. He is a very shy person 😒.

I started telling Stefan all about my day. We were laughing and talking. Well Stefan was either smiling or chuckling, but still it was so fun. I felt like the cool kid. I am friends with the quiet kid.

Time Skip :-

PE is the last class I have for the day. I was playing soccer with Sam. We had borrowed cones and were playing 1 vs 1. We both got tired just after 10 minutes of playing. So we were sitting on the ground idly, looking around. I saw Stefan on the football ground playing. I hope he made a few friends because he is a loner. An idea suddenly popped in my head. "Hey Sam. Let's go cheer for my sister who is cheerleading."

He started laughing and nodded. I saw Lena and waved at her. She just smiled back at me and went back to stretching.

Everyone started doing the routine. Everyone except sissy were doing it properly. Caroline was giving the counts but stopped and told my sister, " Elena, sweetie. Why don't you just observe today, hm?" Elena looked around and nodded and came and sat next to me. She was very quiet and was staring at the football ground, probably at Stefan 😏.

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