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Cassie's POV :-

The first thing I felt when I woke up was dizziness. My fricking head hurts so much. I felt like I was going to puke my intestines out. I dragged my tired ass downstairs for breakfast when I heard aunt Jenna asking me, "Um Cassie, are you feeling, okay?"

"I feel dead!" I replied, wearily.

"Cassie get ready. We are going to meet grams." Elena told me, while descending the stairs.

I furrowed my brows and asked her, "Why?"

"Um, to talk to her about my h-history project." she lied. I could see it right through her. Why is she ly-oh wait, I remember what had happend yesterday, last night. Lena told me that Stefan and Damon suspect that I am a type of witch. Weird, right? So we are going to Bon-Bon's grams to find out what happend. Grams is a very old witch, I think. 

"Aunt Jen-Jen, can I take the day off today. I feel so sick" I told her, pouting.

She looked at me and replied, "Fine, but only today."

I nodded and walked back upstairs to get ready to meet Grams.

Time Skip :- 

Me and Lena got into her car and buckled up. I asked her, "Do you think my dizziness is due to what happend yesterday?"

"Yeah, I think so. That's why we have to meet Grams, to find out what happend to you." Lena told me, her voice filled with concern.

"Okay then. Go ahead start driving." Then I remebered that Damon came to meet me last night. "Yo, sissy. Guess what? Damon came to meet me last night." I told happily.

She immediately furrowed her brows, her eyes still on the road and lectured me, "Cassie how many times do I have to tell you to stay away from Damon?"

"None" I replied, smirking.

She sighed heavily, and continued, "Cassie, he might hurt you. Just stay away from him, okay?"

"Whatever" I mumbled and looked outside.

Time skip :-

We finally arrived at Bonnie's Grams' house. Damn, Grams looks scary and a bit like a crow. Don't blame me. 

She asked us to come inside. I settled down on a couch with Lena beside me. "So what's the problem?" Grams asked, her brows furrowed in confusion.

"Um, Cassie tell, what happend yesterday." Lena said, looking at me. 

I groaned internally, my head still aching as hell. "So, when Bomily," both of them looked at me in confusion, "Emily and bonnie. So, as I was saying, when Bomily was going to destroy the necklace, I jumped on her and clung on to her. Then, I felt something in my palms, as Bomily called me an abomination, blah blah blah shit and all. By the way, did I mention that my hands were glowing. It was red in colour." I finished. 

Grams eyes widened in shock after she heard me. "You're a siphoner, Cassie. That me-"

I immediately started laughing so hard that I had clutch onto my stomach. I felt tears pricking my eyes as I continued laughing. My head shot front as Elena smacked my head. "Cassie, stop interrupting." She seethed through gritted teeth.

My laughing slowly subsided as I wiped my tears and looked at Lena, "I know. But the way she said, 'you're a siphoner, Cassie' is just so funny. Like it's too Harry Potter." Elena still looked pretty angry. Shit. I shouldn't have laughed so hard. My head started aching again.

Grams cleared her throat and continued her voice calm, "As I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted, siphoners are a type of witches who don't have magic of their own. They can draw energy from supernatural creatures, like vampires, witches, etc. This is called siphoning."

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