Day with Damon

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Cassie's POV :-

Well, aunt Jenna dropped me off to school today because Lena ditched me for who knows what. On the bright side even Germ was coming with us. "Bye aunt Jenna" I kissed my aunt on her cheek and stepped out of the car.

"Bye sweetie and here's your school bag."

"Thanks, come Jeremy" I called out to my unusually cheerful brother.

"Yea" I heard Jeremy say. 

After we entered the school, Jer went away to his locker, while I was looking for Sam. I was walking towards my locker when I hit someone and and fell down. "Uh, I'm sorry, kid. Are you okay?" I heard a masculine voice ask me. 

I got so angry. Did he just call me a kid? I looked up to see who was going to get beaten up today. The man had a beard and a mustache  and wore an apologetic smile on his face. I think he is a new teacher here. He had put his hand out for me to take. I ignored it and jumped to my feet. "Yeah, I am okay. Who are you?" I asked him confused. If he isn't a teacher then I'll kick him in the nuts. However if he is, I'll apolozise and leave.

"I am Alaric Saltzman. I am the new History teacher here. Why?" he replied.

"Oh, sorry sir. I should go now" I gave him an innocent smile and saw Sam, so, I ran over to him. 

"Hey" he said.

"Hey. Do you know we got a new History teacher?" I informed him.

He stared at me as if I had grown three heads and replied, "Why should we care? We are four. We only have numbers, alphabets and games."

"Oh yeah" I told him, letting out a laugh. We walked to class, talking about stuff.

Time Skip :-

At last school is over. I was looking around for Lena, who had some serious explaining to do.

I had to skip the first half of lunch  because I got detention for punching a boy in my class. Well in my defence he made fun of my brother.

I found Bonnie, so I walked up to her. "Where's my sister?" I asked her,s skipping the formalities.

"Hi nice to meet you too," she said sarcastically, "Your sister asked me to get you and the car. She is talking to Stefan."

My eyes immediately lit up after hearing Stefan's name, but then I frowned. "He's here? Where is he?" I asked her sadly. Did he actually kill Damon? I shouldn't care.

"He's talking to Elena right now. They have some talking to do anyways. Wanna walk to the car together?" She asked me smiling. I just looked down sadly and followed her.

"So, how was your day?" She asked me, while walking.

"I got detention. Aunt Jenna is gonna be pretty mad."

"Why? What did you do?" 

"Well I punched a boy in the fa-" I stopped talking when I bumped into Bonnie. I looked up and saw that she bumped Damon.

"Okay, it's your last chance" Damon stated to Bonnie. He looked at me and winked while smirking. I looked at him with a mix of emotions running inside me. One part of me is telling me to kick him the nuts for killing Lexi, while the other part is just relieved that he is alive.

"I'm gonna scream" Bonnie told him, breaking me from my chain of thought.

"Oh, no, don't do that. Let's stay on point" He told her and followed her as she pulled my hand and continued walking towards her car. Bonnie held me close to her, shielding me from him. Damon continued with his demand on who knows what, "Listen, I want my necklace." Oh he was talking about it yesterday.

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