Birthday Boy

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Cassie's POV :-

"WAKE UP" I heard my sister yelling for the 100th time. I groaned and got up. "Cassie get ready. Sherrif Forbes wants to question me and Jer about Vicki. Aunt Jenna is ready and is waiting for you, so go get ready" she told me.

"What about me? Sherrif doesn't want to question me?"

"Nope. So you will be staying with Jenna."

"What about Damon? Is he coming too?" I asked her.

"No!" she exclaimed.

"Fine" with that I left the room. Should I forgive Damon? He did save me last night, from Vicki. Maybe, but he did kill Zach. My dad used to say, everyone should be given second chances. Maybe I'll give him but not now. Later, when I feel like it.

Time Skip :-

I was standing outside some building with Stefan, for an whole hour straight.

Matt came out of the building. He walked straight towards Stefan and ignored him. However he gave me a smile, a sad one, and then walked away. Stefan turned towards Matt and said, "I was trying to help her, Matt. That's all" Matt just ignored him and kept walking, without even glancing at Stefan. Can we blame him? Matt just lost his sister and doesn't even know about it. He just thinks that she left town. Now he is lonely. He has all the rights to act like a dick.

Stefan turned back and looked at the door. Lena, aunt Jenna and Jeremy walked out of the door after a few more minutes. She told them something and went off. Aunt Jenna walked towards me and dragged me from there. I asked her angrily, "Why did you do that?"

"No reason. Now get in the car. You have school" she smirked at me. I pouted and got into the car.

Time Skip :-

School was finally over. I was happily lying on my bed with the cooler on. Just then Jeremy walked towards my study table, picking my school bag and walking towards me. I asked him, "What are you doing with my school bag?"

"Don't you have homework, like finish the alphabets or something?" he asked me.

I laughed and asked him, "Who are you and what have you done to my big bro?"

He just chuckled and picked me from my bed upside down. I screamed, "LET ME GO!! AUNT JENNA!" Nobody came. He just carried me downstairs. and sat me on the table.

"Now where were we?" He asked me, taking my books out of my bag. He passed me my homework and asked me to do that. I rolled my eyes and was gonna jump of the table but he caught me again and placed me back on the table. "You're not going anywhere, understood?"

I nodded unhappily. I was looking around for someone to come rescue me. I saw aunt Jenna and Lena on the couch talking so loudly.

They were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't even notice me. "Wanna keep it down over there?" Jeremy asked them.

"Why? What are you doing?" Aunt Jenna asked turning around. She was so stunned after seeing us.

"Homework" I replied sadly and continued, "Please save me. He's not leaving me" I told her showing my puppy dog eyes.

Hearing this even Lena turned around and asked, "Since when do you both do homework?" She looked so shocked.

"I don't!" I exclaimed. "It's because of him." I pointed at him.

He ignored me and replied, "I gotta finish this, I'm way behind and I have a quiz tomorrow, so..."

I heard Lena and aunt Jenna talking. Lena asked aunt Jenna, "What do you think? Alien?"

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