She Knows

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Elena's POV:-

Next morning I called Stefan and asked him to meet me at Mystic Grills and explain everything to me.

I am not taking Cassie. She is a kid. She shouldn't know about these stuff. But I think she already knows everything. She always thought vampires are scary because of the stories my parents used to tell us. She is also scared of dark because of that. How come she is so close to Stefan?

Cassie's POV:-

I woke up and saw that Lena was missing. I checked the clock and saw that the time was 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Wait Zach died. I hate Damon. But like aunt Jenna said to me, when my parents died, and I quote, 'Make them proud and live for them. And don't forget to smile.'

I walked downstairs and saw Jeremy staring at something or someone. I walked inside the room and saw Vicki sitting on the floor and eating my leftover pizza. "What the hell Vicki? That's mine" I yelled at her. It was my breakfast.

"Just leave her alone Case" Jer scolded me.

"What no. That's mine" I yelled at him.

"Can you please stop yelling. My ear hurts" Vicki yelled back.

I smirked and started to scream some random words. I heard Vicki yell 'stop' but I just ignored it and screamed more. I heard the bell ring. I was too busy glaring and annoying Vicki. I heard Matt ask Jeremy where Vicki is and Jer replied that she is in the kitchen.

Jeremy saw that I was still screaming so he pulled me out of the room and whisper-yelled at me, "Cassie what are you doing, huh? Go to your room NOW."

"Who are you? My mom? What are you going to do about it?" I asked him angrily. "That pizza Vicki is eating was my breakfast. What am I gonna eat now? Gosh I hate you. You always take her side. Even at school."

I heard Jer say 'Whatever.'

Time Skip :-

I was lying on my bed thinking why does Jeremy love Vicki so much and not me when I heard someone or something falling. I focused on what was going down and tried to listen.

I heard the house door open. I think it's Lena 'cause I can recognize her voice. Duh! I heard her asking, "What's going on?"

Then Matt replied, "She's really messed up."

Some male voice then butted in and asked Lena, "Elena back up. Vicki look at me" it was Stefan's. Is something wrong with her? Or is he just always like this? I got up from my bed and rushed down the stairs. I saw Vicki, Matt and Jer walking upsatirs to Jer's room on the way. I ignored all of then and ran over to Lena and hugged her tightly.

"Hey what happend?" she asked me while hugging me and patting my back lightly.

I made a fake sad-pouty face and told her, "I am hungry. Vicki ate my breakfast, so I have nothing to eat now."

"Don't worry, I'll make you something" Stefan told me and continued talking looking at Lena, "She's transitioning."

"Transitioning to what?" Me and Lena asked him together. I pulled away from Lena and looked up at Stefan.

He picked me up, placing me on his hips and replied, "A vampire."

"What?" Elena asked him.

"Damon must have gotten to her. She's new. She hasn't completed her transition yet" Steffie explained.

"H-how does she do that?" Lena asked Stefan, stuttering. Maybe because she's scared.

Stefan put on his usual broody face, not like he was not having it on already, and replied, "She has to feed on human blood."

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