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Cassie POV ( Flashback ):-

"Hey kids, me and your mom are going to go pick Elena up. Jeremy your in charge. Put Cassie to bed by nine. Love you bye." my dad said.

"Love you too daddy." I ran up to him and hugged his legs. He picked me up and kissed my cheek and passed me back to Jeremy. I told him bye one last time and went to Jeremy.

Time Skip :-

Me and Jeremy were watching TMNT when we heard someone ringing the doorbell. Jeremy went to open the door, I followed him. When he opened the door we saw Sherrif Forbes. She looked tensed which made me worried. I had never expected to hear these words which came out of her mouth, "Your parents died in a tragic car accident. I don't have time to give you the details. But your sister survived. She is in the hospital. Your aunt will be here in half and hour to take care of you both. Please take care and sorry for your loss."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I felt something in my stomach which I had never felt before. My heart sank in despair. I felt like being depressed my whole life. I was so sad.

I felt myself being picked up by Jeremy and turned around to see my brother's tear stained face. I wrapped my hands around his neck and was crying into it. Jeremy took me to the couch and tried to comfort me. But I knew he was also very depressed and was crying .

My life will never be the same after this day.

Cassie POV:-

I woke up in my sister's bedroom. Last night I had a nightmare, well more like a memory. It was the day my parents had died. I was crying so Elena brought me to her room and comforted and put me to sleep after laying me down on her bed.

Next morning when I woke up, I saw Elena writing in her journal. She was very engrossed in writing so I went back to sleep.

Next minute she was hitting me with the pillow and was asking me to wake up I groaned and said, "Let me sleep sissy, your so annoying." snuggling more into the bed. But she just chuckled and carried me to her bathroom and pushed me in, after pulling her blanket off me.

Then I went straight to the toilet and was sitting and sleeping on it. "Don't sleep on the toilet, Case." Elena said. I groaned and brushed my teeth and got ready and went down for breakfast.

I heard aunt Jenna saying, "Toast. I can make toast." I walked over to the table and sat in my chair. I made myself a bowl of cereals and started to chomp on it.

"Its all about the coffee aunt Jenna." Elena replied.

"Is there coffee?" Jeremy asked, butting his nose in their conversation.

I hate coffee. It's too coffeeish. I intervened, "Ewww, coffee." Everyone chuckled at my comment. I just shrugged and continued munching on my breakfast.

Jeremy stole Elena's coffee so she had to make a new one. Then aunt Jenna said, "It's your first day of school and I'm totally unprepared. Lunch money?" Aunt Jenna offered. Me and Jeremy took it. I was just planning to get pizza but Jeremy had other plans with it.

Elena on the other hand being the goody shoes she is, just replied with, "I am good" I mocked her and as soon as she saw me mocking her, she sent me a playful glare.

Aunt Jenna continued, "Anything else? A no. 2 pencil? What am i missing?"

Then I asked aunt jenna,"Don't you have to present some shit or something ?"

"Yes, I am meeting my thesis advisor at...crap now." Aunt Jenna said untying her hair. "And also no bad words young lady." I saluted her and went up to my room to pack my bag because BMW, AKA the one and only Bonnie Bennett, was coming to pick me and Elena up. I put my phone and my earbuds in my pocket and ran down when I heard Bonnie honking her horn.

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