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Cassie POV :-

I woke up to aunt Jenna shaking me, roughly. My eyes fluttered open and I was greeted by aunt Jenna's once in a while smiley face. She smiled down at me and said, "Cassie get up. Now."

"Someone's in a good mood today" I told aunt Jenna getting out of my bed. I saw her rolling her eyes.

I walked towards my big bro's room, when I saw Vicki on top of my brother. They both kissing. Ew gross. Can't she just die?

On the way downstairs, I saw Lena walking up the stairs. I was still in complete shock. I asked her, "Do you know what's Jeremy doing with Vicki?"

"Yeah" she said, "Jenna's cool with it so I am also, um, kinda. Okay, it's still weird" she replied to me and walked to her room with her cereal bowl. I practically heard her slamming the door. Did the conversation with Stefan go all right?

I, then proceeded downstairs for breakfast. 

I took out a bowl and poured cereals into it. I was looking for hot milk, but I couldn't find any. I guess cold milk today. I took my bowl and switched the TV on and sat infront of it.

Time Skip :-

We were at school. I was listening to Sam blabbering about why cockroaches don't have cocks or at least that's what I heard. I didn't talk much and it was quite weird. You see I am a very talkative kid. I'm afraid that if I open my mouth, I might tell Sam about Damon and Stefan. I'm not very good with secrets. Hmm... come to think of it, it's so weird. Vampires and all. What if there are ninja turtles or werewolves or maybe even ghosts.

"Earth to Cassie" Sam called me, waving his hand infront of my face breaking me from my train of thoughts.

"Yeah" I replied. I spotted Stefan. "Hey Sammy. Can we meet in class? I have to go talk to someone right now" I told him still looking at Stefan, who was talking with Elena.

He said sure and walked away.

I walked over to Stefan. "Hey" I greeted him. He was talking with Lena. He nodded his head to me. Lena walked away to look for Bonnie. "So did you do what you had to do with Damon ?" I asked him.

"Yes I did. He won't be bothering us anymore."

Caroline came speed walking towards us and looked at Stefan in a serious way and asked him, folding her hands infront of her chest, "Stefan, where is Damon? He has some serious apolozing to do."

"He's gone Caroline" Stefan replied.

"Well, when is he coming back ?"

"He's not coming back. I'm sorry" Stefan replied walking away.

I ran behind Stefan. "Steffie wait" he stopped, turned around and looked down at me. "Did you kill Damon?" I asked him happily. Now I have an ache in my heart. It feels like I don't want to kill Damon.

"He's just weak for now. But he'll die soon" Stefan replied. I nodded my head happily. The bell rang so I waved goodbye and ran to my classroom.

Time Skip :-

Okay so Lena wanted to talk to Stefan about 'stuff'. So here we are. At the grill. 

Me and Lena were walking around looking for Steffie. I spotted Matt and tugged on her jacket sleeve and pointed at Matt. She looked at Matt and was thinking. She walked over to Matt.

She walked over to Matt, "Hey, Matt, um, have you seen Stefan?" Lena asked him, probably weirded out.

Matt replied, "Nope" popping p.

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