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Year One in California
It was almost near fall for the first semester of college. When I was done with graduation the next week I packed. Ashton helped me. We exchanged numbers but we knew we weren't gonna call one and other. I tried not to think of him and I thought how fast I fell for him. It just was a dumb crush. Nothing happened.

I've been waiting to be on my own my whole life so I had everything planned. I stayed in a dorm with a girl named Tori. She was a partier. She was a spitting image of my sister Angel, but older and pettier with a couple tattoos.

One night she invited me to a college party and this time I went. Of course it was a frat party. That's was I saw a familiar blue eyed boy.
I was speechless.
"Hey Luke."
"What are you doing in Cali?" He asked.
"I go to Stanford now."
"NO KIDDING! I go to Stanford."
I raised my eyebrow. " You're joking?"
"Nope. I'm in the medical field."
"Wooh that's amazing. You're following your fathers foot steps. He'd be so proud."
Luke nods and looks down at his feet.
"Well want a beer Grant?" He asked

I didn't see much of Luke around School, but what I've heard. He was actually a good student and tried hard.
Year Two
I ended up getting enough money for a apartment with the help of Angel who ended up living in California but to become an artist. She works at a farmers market and a pottery place where she helps makes bowls and cups. She makes pretty good money for no college background.
So Angel and I ended up sharing an apartment. She told me how Peter went off the wagon and Ashton's wedding planning.
She also ended up having Ashton has her english teacher.
"So how is he?"
"Umm he seems alright but he doesn't seem like he belongs? Ya know. Now his fiancée comes around in our class... It's gross. They act fake as hell."
I just nod.
"So there's this guy that works down the street from the pottery and he's in college and he always comes into the shop and flirts with me."
"Is he cute!"
"What's his name?"
"Calum. He asked me out..."
"WHAT YOU SAY!" I said excitingly
~couple months later~
"So did Ashton invite you to his wedding?" Angel asked.
"No.. Even if he did.. I wouldn't."
"It's complicated."
Year Three
It was a month from May and it's been almost 3 years since Ashton and I seen and talked to each other.
Sometimes when the phone rings I think he'll call, but it's never him. When summer vacation was over I walked into sociology hearing a faint giggle.
I look up and see Luke. "Grant! You're takin Soc 1 as well!"
I nod about to take my sit.
"NO! Grant sit with me!" He begged.
I rolled my eyes and sat next to him.

~two months later~
"JENNY WAIT UP!" I heard Luke holler. It was weird he never really called me Jenny mostly Grant.
He looked nervous almost sick.
"Ya Luke?"
"Would you wanna...ummm go out...sometime?" He stuttered.
I smiled. "Of course!"
"Cool um how about tomorrow night?" He said sighing with relief.
~Next Day~
I get ready for my date with Luke. I was so nervous and it was weird. He never acted like this nice or gentlemen like back at home. I wonder if his home life changed it all.
A light knock came to the door and I open to see it was Luke.
"Wooh.. You look beautiful." He said.
"Really? You said it's a normal date is it to fancy?"
"No I just always wanted to tell you that." He said smoothly.
I blushed.
He took me to his car.
"So where to Hemmings?" I asked.
"Hmm you'll see."

He drove to the Hollywood sign where we ended up begin the only ones there. We set up a little picnic and looked over Hollywood.
"I remember when we were kids and at church you'd talk about how you were going to be a rockstar and live in California." I laugh.
Luke smiles. "Well I got here didn't I?"
I nod as I eat a grape.
"So why a doctor? Peter always told me how you two hated wanting to be a doctor?"
"Well after my dad retired a couple years ago, I realized I wanted to help people. Why do you want to get in the medical field?"
"To study mental diseases or cancer don't know yet." I said.
"If anyone could cure cancer it would be you. I bet my life on that."
Year Four
"Babe could you come over?" Luke said calling me up in a choked up voice.
"I'll be there!" I said running out the door.
When I got to Luke's apartment he was a wreck. He hasn't talked or been to school in four days.
"What's wrong babe!" I said pulling him in for a hug.
He tried to fight the tears but couldn't.
"My...dad died." He choked.
I started to tear up.
"I have to go back home."
"For how long?"
"I don't know."
"Want me to come?"
"No. I don't wanna-"
"I'm gonna."
"I love you, Jenny I'm so glad I have you here at this time."
"I love you too I whispered.

That was the first time we said I love you too each other.

We both flew back home together. Peter saw us walk hand and hand and stormed out.
The funeral was depressing. Seeing Luke's father lifeless. He died from cancer. He was only diagnosed with it for 5 months.
Year Five
I got a call one day. I heard a comforting familiar voice. It was Ashton.
"Would of sent you a invitation but no address." He said weakly.
I did a dry laugh.
"Would you like to come?"
"I'll see if I can. I'm still in school so.."
"Oh right of course... Well then bye Jenny."
"Bye Ashton."
I didn't go to the wedding.

Luke graduated becoming a doctor like his father.
Luke kissed me. "Two more year's than you graduate babe!"
"How does it feel Luke Hemmings?" I said in a reporter voice.
"Well it feels good to accomplish something and with you by my side it makes it better."
Year Six
I wait in the hospital praying to whoever was listening. Luke was seeing if he was positive for cancer or not. When the doctor came out my heart stopped beating.
"Would you like to come to the back with Luke?"
"Yes." I said jumping up from my chair.
I held Luke's ice cold hands for dear life when I saw him.

"Luke... I'm so sorry. The test came out positive."
I couldn't even hold back the tears. The love of my life was sick. He had a uncured virus in him. Luke was emotionless. I was blanked out the whole conversation. All I could time about was, what if I did lose Luke?

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