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I still wake up in the middle of the night thinking of that walk with Ashton.
He was comforting, loving, and ALSO MY ENGLISH TEACHER.

I plop back down from my bed and sigh. We talk more and more. Now I stay later after art just to see if he comes down.
He does. He always does.

I get to school and Ashley comes running to me.
I almost forgot about seeing the 1975.
It's like a big warp tour for alternative bands and the 1975 will be there.

I wonder if Ashton is going? Probably not or maybe with her girlfriend, finance or whatever the hell she is!

Ashton didn't come to school today. Which was odd he didn't seem sick or anything.

School was over and I drove home to go get ready. I didn't want anyone to ruin not my mom or her husband she kicked out but now is back in her life.

I get my ticket from my purse and go and pick up Ashley.

It was an hour to get to the concert. When we got there the mosh pitt was already full.

This concert was like a warp not just The 1975. There was a bar in the middle of the place and two stages, Main stage and a second stage. We walk around a bit and the sun started to set.

Thats when I saw him. I saw Ashton with a couple of guys drinking beers. He looked wonderful.

"Is that Mr.Irwin! Holy shit he look hot HOLY SHIT JENNY GET WITH THAT!" Ashley screams.
"Oh fuck shit who is that with him." She stuttered.
I didn't know which one she was talking about either the red headed stepchild or tree man or maybe asian guy.

We met with the rest of the girls.

I tried to avoid him then they finally announced the 1975 would be on next. I lost Ashley in a crowd of people running to get the front.
Then there was a tap on my shoulder I turn around and see Ashton.
"Jenny!" He blabs with excitement.
"Ashton.." I breathe.

"I thought you'd be here!" He smiled.
"Why weren't you here at class."
"Oh my friend's came to visit so took it off." He said pointing over at them.

They looked hammer drunk.
"Why aren't you drinking? Come on Mr. Irwin party a little!" I told him.
"No I rather not. If these idiots drunk drive it's on me." He said.

The 1975 started playing.
"Well I'm going to try Ashley in the crow." I told.
"I'll help." he said grabbing my hand pushing the crowd.
My heart was beating faster and faster. My hands were sweaty. I was nervous. Ashton looked so hot tonight.
All the sudden Ashton's friends push over everyone to get up front. They were like fucking bulldozers.

I finally found Ashley and the rest of the girls. Ashton stayed close to me. As the crowd was dancing my friends and I were parting away and going opposite directions. I started to panic.Ashton wrapped his arm around my waist and whipsered "Don't worry I'm here. Won't let anything happen to you Jenny."

The air felt thinner and thinner by the minute. Ashton didn't let go of his grip. Then he started dancing with me.

When the 1975 were over it was break time to get drinks and wait for the next act.

"I'm thirsty. I'm gonna go buy a water and go find my friends." I told Ashton.

"I'll come."
"No. You came with your friends! Hang out with them you loser!" I joke. He smiled and nodded and walked away to go find his friends.

I stand in line waiting for water.

It was crowded as hell. Then I felt hands around my hips rubbing down my thighs.
"ASHTON NO!" I said then realized this wasn't even Ashton.
It was some drunk guy.
"Shh. Don't struggle baby." He said moving his hand inside my jeans. I scream trying to get him off. Everyone around was to drunk enough to notice I was uncomfortable.

"Hey Mate!" A voice behind us said. My whipped toward the voice.

It was Ashton.
"Get your fucking hands off her!" He snapped.
The guy made his hands towards my chest. Ashton yanked him off me and punched him to the ground.

Blood splattered everywhere.
They hit each other back and forth until security finally came.

I grabbed Ashton and walked to the bathroom to clean his wounds.

"You're a fucking idiot! DO YOU KNOW THAT!" I yell has i wipe the blood off.
"HE WAS GONNA RAPE YOU!" Ashton screamed.
"That didn't mean you had to fight."
I was so close to his face his was bleeding really bad.

"Okay I think I got most of it off." I said.
"Thanks Jenny."

I found a aid kit under the sink and start to stitch his wounds.

"Fuck the wound!" He moaned and started to kiss me.
I kissed back he pushes me against the wall.

I'll leave you there :--) you are welcome.

Sorry it took so long! HOPE YOU ENJOYED

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