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It's been a week since the night with Ashton happened. He acted different around me.

Peter wouldn't get off the topic of me liking Ashton until this week. He realized I didn't act like I did like Ashton... But I did honestly it was just Ashton was acting weird.

The bell rang and I went on to go to art.

Peter walked right beside me " So Grant where ya heading to?"
"I'm heading to art. What about you Hemmings?" I asked Peter.
"Algebra 2." Peter whined. He wasn't all up for school but I think it's because his older brother acted this way through high school. So he setting a image for his brother.

I went into my art class finishing a project I haven't worked on or even tried on. When the class was over I still wasn't finished.

"Jenny you wanna stay in here for a little while to finish?" My teacher asked.
"Uhh ya if that's okay?" I told her.
"Yes but I'll be in a different room for this hour so put everything away after you are done." She said grabbing her bags and left.

I was working on my painting. I lightly sketch out the hydrangeas I wanted to paint and the bush they grow on.

I go to the back closer to find my pencils when I tap on the door startled me. I quickly turned about and it was Ashton.

"Ash- Mr.Irwin."
"Jenny.. What are you doing here?" He asked.
"Finishing my painting... You?"
"This is the class I supervise sometimes." He explained.

"Well I'm the only student in here today... So I don't know if I need it."
"Jenny we need to talk about last week.." Ashton blurted out.
"What's there to say?"
"You aren't safe."
"Psshhh! Oh please I'm as safe as can be. You don't need to worry about me."
"That's all I have been doing!" Ashton said tensely.

I didn't respond and walked over to my painting.

"Wooh." He whispered. "That's really good."

"Why flowers?"
"Hydrangeas are my favorite flowers."

We didn't talk much he just watched me paint my project and added comments like "you are good at this." "Pretty." "Wooh."

Then I accidentally knocked over paint on the floor. I rush to go get paper towels and wipe off the paint with Ashton helping me clean it up.

I look up at him and he looks up at me. He was so close to my face we could kiss. I leaned in slowly and so does he but then we both stop and look down a the mess and go on cleaning.

I was so close to kissing him! He wanted to kiss me!

"Well I'm done with my painting so I'm gonna go." I told him.
"Ya. I should go as well." He said.

We walk out to the parking together.

"I love that painting." He said breaking the silences
I blush.
"You want after its done getting graded?" I asked.
He nods with excitement.

"Well I'll see you later Jenny." He said walking more towards his car.

I came home around 6:30 that day. I realized my mom didn't call me to go get Jax and Ruby.

I walk home seeing my mom on the couch with vodka in her hand.

"Mom?" I said with my voice cracking.
"Hey Jen."
"Why aren't you at work?"
"Took off."
I look at her shocked. She hasn't been like this was in months.

She starts to break down crying.
"Mom what happened?"
"They're gone!"
"What do you mean?"
"THEY TOOK JAX AND RUBY!" She screamed.
I was speechless.

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