Chapter 41 - Bruised

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I couldn't believe myself. Not only did I have to drag myself to literature  that morning, but Gavin was somewhere on campus, with no idea that I had messed around with Mason. I know what he did... but for some reason, I couldn't bring myself to hate him for it. I was hurt, sure, but I knew that he went off his medication. His jealousy was still so off-putting. I didn't know how to feel. I was confused, hungover, tired, and hurt. I got dressed in regular clothes in my dorm, throwing Mason's gross flannel into my laundry hamper - I'd return it later, if I could even face him.

 I put on my uniform and headed to class. I didn't have it with anyone I knew or liked, but Maisy Davids happened to be sitting in the very front of the class while I sat in the back. Every so often over the first few weeks of the semester, she would turn to her friend next to her, whisper and giggle a little bit, and then cast a glance behind her, as if to say, don't you think that girl in the back is so ugly and disgusting? I could practically hear her words. It was clear that she hated me, and I knew something horrible was coming for me at some point. I knew they hated that I had a dorm all to myself - nobody did at school, unless they had disability accommodations - and nobody was in a band with a bunch of guys that chose not to make themselves look like everybody else.

Mr. Jherico explained a piece of literature from China while I tried not to fall asleep on my desk. The fluorescent classroom lights were killing my eyes. I could feel my phone buzzing in my pocket every two minutes, so I knew someone was texting me.

After class, I ran into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. Then I looked at my texts:

Mason, 8:44 AM: alex, we didn't do anything. we just made out. sorry if that bothers you.

Emmett, 8:49 AM: Alex, are you okay? Haven't heard from you since before yesterday.

Cody, 8:53 AM:  Love you, Alex <3 <3 <3

I heaved a sigh and let Cody and Emmett know I was okay. No reply to Mason. When I walked through the hall to get to my next class, I saw Gavin in the hall with Will. Both of them looked at me in shock, but only Gavin hurried away. He seemed ashamed. Will had a stern look on his face, but he approached me. I almost couldn't take it, because I already felt like I was going to puke.

"Alex," Will said in a soft voice, "are you okay? I haven't gotten to talk to you yet."

"I'm fine," I assured him. "I'm going to be fine. I'm just really, really tired." I batted my eyelashes slowly and rubbed one eye to make it clear how tired I was.

"Alex..." Will said with a slight mothering tone in his voice. He crossed his arms. "Okay, I'll leave you alone, but only so you can get to class on time. Text me, okay? I won't be at practice today or anything. I'll just be in my dorm." He gave me a pat on the shoulder and headed for his next class.

I spent the rest of the day by myself. I went back to my room for free period and laid on the bed listening to music. In fact, I didn't talk to anyone - not even the boys, except for when I went to physics class, which I had with Jamie. He smiled at me right when I got there, but he didn't pressure me to talk at all. We just sat alongside each other at the computers and tried to draw things in Illustrator. I wasn't a great artist, but Jamie was really good; even the teacher told him so.

"Sure you don't wanna come to dinner with us?" Jamie said as the bell rang. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and smiled gently. "Nah," I replied. "I'll be fine." Jamie just smiled at me and left. I went back to my room to have a snack and drink some water. I was finally feeling a little better, but I still laid down to take a nap.

I woke up to my phone ringing, and answered without even looking at who it was.

"Alex. I know you're mad at me, but please, can we talk?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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