Chapter 40 - Valentine

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"Alex... hello?"

I woke up to the feeling of someone shaking my shoulder. Ugh... I felt like I was going to throw up.

"Stop shaking me," I mumbled. My words were coming out as slurred as my thoughts. Where am I?


I opened my eyes and turned towards the voice, even though it made my head lurch. My vision slowly adjusted and I realized it was Mason.

He was sitting up... in bed? I looked down, and then jolted myself upright. I was laying on top of a comforter in a room I wasn't familiar with, and a throw blanket was draped over my body. Oh, God, what happened?

"You were freaking out." Mason was staring at me as if he'd just seen me have a seizure. He looked disheveled as well... shirtless, with his red hair hanging stringy over one eye. He was illuminated by a window behind him. His chest and arms were covered in tattoos of different styles - my eyes locked to one. A bluebird. It was flying toward his left shoulder. The bluebird seemed familiar, even though I didn't remember seeing it, and suddenly I was shocked into realization. The memory of what happened came flooding back to me.

I brought my hands to my face and squeezed, trying to wring out the reality of what I'd done. "Oh, my God." I attempted to climb out of bed, and unsteadily gripped the side of the mattress as I nearly fell.

"Jesus, Alex, just wait a second. Are you okay?" I heard him shift on the bed.

"No-- Yes, I'm fine. I gotta go." I looked down at my body and saw that I was wearing my pajamas, just a t-shirt and shorts, with a big flannel on. I looked back up at Mason, and he was climbing out of bed to come around to my side. He walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder. With both of us barefoot, he seemed much taller than usual, and I felt little and vulnerable.

"You're hungover as fuck. You're gonna puke if you move too fast."

"I'm gonna puke anyway," I said, moving myself out from under his hand and going for my boots, which I spotted on a rug near the door. I was in Mason's dorm room. His roommate's bed was empty of a person, but covered in clothes, and their books were scattered around the floor. I almost tripped, but I made it and started to put my shoes on.

"Alex, stop and talk to me." His voice was incredibly stern. I looked up and met his eyes. A wave of realization passed over his face, and his eyes shifted to my body. "We didn't do anything crazy."

I surveyed him nauseously as I scrambled for my backpack. He seemed apologetic, nervous. I couldn't even verify what he was saying, because I could only remember bits and pieces of the last 12 hours. I had been super, super drunk-- that much I could be sure of because my stomach was turning at everything.

"That's fine, Mason. I just gotta go. I'll be careful." I got up and reached for the door handle.


I was gone. I dashed through the boys' dorm and skipped once into an empty bathroom to avoid being seen. I chose to go out the back door and was lucky to find that nobody was smoking behind the building. As soon as I got down the steps, stomach sloshing, I lurched forward against the fence and vomited against it. Bile splattered on my shoes. I wiped my mouth with the flannel sleeve - oh, shit, this is Mason's. I cringed and hightailed it back to my dorm, shielding my face from the sun.


"Damn, girl! Just let me win once." Mason threw down his playing cards onto the bed and fell backward into the pillows.

I laughed and did a little dance. "Woohoo! Alex Breck takes it all!" I reached forward into the crook of Mason's crossed legs and pulled out a bottle of honey Jack Daniels, which was half-empty. Mason eyed me, entertained. His head lolled on his shoulders as if he was having trouble holding it up.

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