Chapter 4: Introductions

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AN: Ref photo is not of Cody, but another character. Read on to find out who :)

It seemed to take forever, but I finally made my way through the crowds of students and quickly walked to the fountain. I didn't see them--God, I was late! Who knows when I'm going to catch a glimpse of those guys again?

Then suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder:


I turned around to see Cody rocking on the soles of his feet, smiling. "Gotcha!" Will gave me a wave that seemed somewhat reserved, then looked down. Was he the shy type? He didn't seem like it before-- but then again, I was all the way across a gym from him.

"Aww, no garbage bags? What are we going to do with all these body parts?" Cody slapped Will's backpack. Something about Cody just radiated positive energy.

I grinned widely at his humor. Will turned his head toward the building just past the fountain, seeming restless somehow.

"Wanna grab something to eat? If you're already settled in, that is," he said, turning back to me.

I furrowed my brow. "Wait, it's lunchtime already? When are we going to our classes?"

Cody laughed a little, as if to say, you're too serious. "No classes on the first day, silly. It's all about unpacking and getting comfy. Haven't you noticed you don't have a schedule yet?"

"Oh, yeah, I gotta go get that..."

"No worries," Will assured me, "they'll be in envelopes on the front desk in your dorm like they always are. Now, are you hungry?"

"Starving," I replied. Cody gave a huge smile and wrapped his hand around my forearm.

"Come on! Cookies are free!" He rushed me around the fountain, almost knocking me off my feet.

"W-Whoa!" I tried to keep up with Cody, who had the energy of a kid on Halloween. I looked at Will over my shoulder; he gave me a knowing smile. I assumed Cody was always like this.


Will caught up to us as we entered the cafeteria. Cody let go of my arm to point at the big signs all around the room, above tables of food, while Will listened to him talk. "Best buffet in the state," he beamed. "It's the greatest thing about this school!"

 He listed items as his finger scanned the length of the lunchroom - "Pizza, hamburgers, big cups of soup, the salad bar, sandwiches--" He stopped on the very last counter and gave a dreamy sigh. "Pastries."

"Don't they make you get more than just dessert?" I asked.

"The lunch ladies are like hawks," Cody replied. "Trust me, they'll know."

Will smiled and touched my shoulder. "Don't get into trouble," he said softly, then wandered off towards the deli counter. I went to grab pizza, while Cody went predictably in the direction of the cookies.

I met back up with Will once I'd gotten my food. "We usually eat lunch outside--just out those doors." We walked in Cody's direction, where we saw him square off with the lunch lady:

"Cody Everett, you are not getting only a cookie for lunch. Go get a sandwich, then come back and talk to me." Cody walked past us with shoulders drooping--"I was hoping she wouldn't remember me..."


We eventually made it outside. Will and Cody weaved between big trees, with students picnicking beneath, until they finally came to a secluded area-- a table on the other side of a large brick planter. Leafy green plants hung over the table, high enough to hide the table from view.

The table wasn't empty.

Two boys were already sitting there: One had fringed blonde hair that dusted the top of his eyelashes. He looked like an angel. The other had hair that was red where it caught the light, with bangs of reddish-purple. Both of them looked straight at me. I covered my face with my hands in complete shyness. So many cute boys, oh, geez...

Will seemed to notice my nerves and moved forward to introduce me.

"Alex, meet--"

"Wait, wait, wait! I want to do it." Cody said, stepping in front of me. He moved his hands in a wide circle in front of me, making me giggle. "Gentlemen, may I present..." He drumrolled on his jeans.


I gave a tiny wave. The boys waved back with friendly expressions. Cody crept over to them, standing between them at the end of the table. He put a hand on the blonde's head.

"This is Emmett, our personal unicorn. His eyes are this blue because he's made of wishes," Cody explained excitedly.

"Hi," Emmett said in a silky voice. "Hi," I replied shyly. He smiled back at me. Something about Emmett seemed almost unearthly, as if he knew things I could never hope to learn, and was kinder than a fairy godmother.

"And this..." Cody motioned to the other boy, waving his hands around like he was advertising a ShamWow.

" Jamie. He's a real sweetheart."

Jamie smiled and waved, but said nothing. I waved back, noticing the way his back seemed to arch over the table protectively, like a wall of silence.

"Now that introductions are over," Cody concluded, "Let's have lunch!"

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