Chapter 39 - Cake

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I woke up to something hovering over my face. When I opened my eyes, I could see that my room was filled with huge balloons. There were a host of texts to my phone, namely in group chat from the boys, and from Mason.

Mason, 12:01 AM - happy birthday. if i see you around campus i have something for ya.

Will.: Happy birthday, Alex :D

_Gav_ Happy birthday Alex <3


Northern_Downpour: Happy birthday!

_Gav_: Cody you can't do that

Capn_Cody: I wished on Emmett's unicorn eyes so she can still wish on her candles

Northern_Downpour: ;-;'

Jamie_the_Lame: Just so you know, it was us.

I looked around. There was a pile of curly rainbow-colored streamers on my desk, along with a tiny double chocolate cupcake, which I ate pretty much as soon as I got out of bed.

xXAlexXx: Thanks guys I love you <3

Capn_Cody: We love you too <3 <3 <3

I got ready, swatted the balloons out of the way to get to the door, and headed out. I was lucky in that my birthday fell on a Saturday this year, so I already knew that the guys would be in the cafeteria eating breakfast before heading to Will's car to go cruise around town. When I got to the cafeteria, I could see my prediction had come true. All the guys were hunched around the table. Did they bake me a cake or something?

... Nope, Cody had apparently struck a bet with Gavin that he couldn't eat 20 pancakes in one sitting.

"I'm sick," Cody whimpered as he sunk his fork into another piece of a remarkably tall stack of pancakes, "but it's so good." He fake sobbed as he put the syrupy pancake piece into his mouth. Will and Jamie shook their heads in unison. Gavin was filming Cody on Snapchat.

"It's only pancake number 10, Cody," Gavin said as I sat down. He immediately put his phone down when he saw me and threw his arms around me, kissing my hair repeatedly.

"Birthday girl of my dreams," he said into my ear at a discreet volume as he hugged me. I squeezed back.

"Aly, HELP me," Cody whined as another pancake disappeared into his mouth. Even the fake ears on his Pikachu hoodie seemed to droop. Emmett patted his shoulder.

"Aw, Gav, he's a Pikachu, not a Snorlax," I remarked. "He's gonna hurt himself."

"For $20 it's worth it," Cody said with a mouthful of pancakes, "I just need five more minutes... ugh..."

"I'm gonna go grab some cereal," I said to Gavin as he delightedly filmed Cody, "I don't think I have the appetite for pancakes today."

When I came back, the stack was demolished. Astounded, I clapped my hands. Cody looked like he was dying as he laid across three cafeteria seats, rubbing his stomach. Gavin gently put $20 into his hand, which Cody waved limply in the air - "Yayyy."

"So," Will said, adjusting his glasses, "We threw together a... little show for you. I'm surprised you didn't ask about it, there are flyers around school."

"What?!" I buried my face in my hoodie sleeves. "Oh, Jesus, I hope it's only secretly for me."

"Nope!" Cody said, springing back to life as if the 20 pancakes had never existed. "It says 'BIRTHDAY SHOW' in big frosting-colored letters right across the top! Everyone's gotta know so everyone can bring presents!"

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