Chapter 30 - A Day in the Life

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As I arrived at my dorm, I realized I'd left the door open a crack. I prayed to thin air that nobody had seen me. I also noticed the sharp pain in my foot again... I lifted it up before me, propping a hand on the doorframe. It was bleeding steadily, perhaps from a jagged rock or piece of glass.

Oh, shit, did I track blood up the stairs? I used my phone flashlight to inspect the carpet... it was dark enough in color that the blood wasn't noticeable. Thank God.

I also silently thanked my mother for forcing me to keep band-aids and other medical supplies in my desk drawer. I bandaged my foot, climbed into bed, and tried to relax. My heart was pounding, and tears were stinging my eyes.

There was a buzzing on the nightstand where I'd placed my phone. I looked over; a text from Gavin.

Gavin, 2:57 AM: I'm sorry.

I didn't bother to answer.


My alarm woke me up. I rubbed my eyes and squinted at the ceiling. Another Monday...

As I showered, I thought about the fact that we would be having a show every Friday night for the rest of the month. I had no idea how Will managed to get it booked, but his tenacity was admirable. I knew how hard he worked. I also thought about Gavin: how must he have been feeling? Should I text him back? I didn't like giving people the silent treatment, so I thought by the end of first period that I should definitely talk to him.

On my way to Creative Writing wearing ripped fishnet stockings and a pair of knee-high Docs, I received another text from Gavin:

Gavin, 8:17 AM: I'm outside your class. I understand if you walk right past me.

I may have been upset and anxious about the entire situation, but I wouldn't do anything like that. I mostly was just worried about how his night must have been; emotionally tumultuous... I should have already talked to him.

Gavin was standing outside Creative Writing with dark red roses.

Oh, God, my heart dropped.

"Alex..." he said, coming towards me. I could see Will through the doorway laying his head down on his desk. He gave me an encouraging, tired half-smile, as if to say, he's here for you after the craziness of last night; make up with him.

"I'm not mad at you," I said quickly. "I wasn't in the first place. I thought you were mad at me."

"I was," Gavin said, moving the roses between us. "I didn't understand, but I get it now. If you want space, I'll give it to you; I don't mind. I know it's gotta be hard for you to do stuff like this after Matthew..."

I looked down.

"Did I say too much?" he asked abruptly, putting his hand on my shoulder. I looked back up into his eyes and smiled.

"No, it's okay... You're so sweet."

"I have infinite patience when it comes to you, Alex," he said. "There's no rush on us." His smile grew wider.

I took the roses, feeling as though Gavin's kindness was going to make me cry. "Gavin..."

He leaned forward, towering over me, and kissed my forehead, before ruffling my hair.

"You should write me a song while you're in there," he winked. I rolled my eyes, smiling, and walked into class.

"All's well?" Will asked as I sat down.

I pulled a rose from the bouquet and tucked it behind Will's ear playfully. "Yes, everything's alright."

"He was really worried, you know," Will replied. "He kept asking if I thought things were going to be okay since you didn't respond to his text. He had so much anxiety."

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