Chapter 33 - The Cheshire Cat, or The King of Hearts?

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The second Friday show came and went. The crowd got bigger, the shirts sold out faster, and it ended in a way that nobody could have expected.

We were just getting ready to leave as a shadow crossed between us and the streetlights in the parking lot. A tall, shady man stepped into view, bedecked in tweed and gold. At a glance I saw a watch, pocketwatch, rings, stud earrings, and glinting gold-tipped frames. His suit looked expensive. He immediately closed the distance between himself and Gavin with an extended hand.

"Sergio Bates, manager of Razor Records. How do you do?"

Gavin's eyes widened in suspicion, and he quickly looked around at all of us, who were also a little freaked out. Razor Records? A record label was approaching us?

As soon as Gav locked eyes with me, his expression dissolved into a reassured smile and an air of confidence. Within a matter of seconds, he was shaking hands with and talking to Mr. Bates, who seemed a little shady.

"I think you guys have the pipes, the talent, and the sharp sound to become a major hit. I could have you booked for Warped Tour in a split second."

Cody and I exchanged looks -- although Cody's 'look' was more like a five-year-old who had just been told he was going to Disneyworld. Excitement seemed to be bursting from him. I put a hand on his shoulder firmly to try and keep some of it in.

"Warped? Are you serious?" Even Gavin, who could charm a snake into submission with his air of coolness, couldn't contain the excitement at what a massive deal that was.

"Completely serious--"

"Will Woodbury. Manager of Sharks for Hearts." Will, who had still been inside the venue gathering up the last of our merchandise, showed up with an armful of shirts and a handshake at the very last minute. "I'd love to further discuss this Warped Tour deal you're talking about. Do you have a card?" He had gone from gentle, bookish songwriter to young business exec in the blink of an eye. Mr. Bates seemed a little taken aback at his forwardness.

"Of course," the gilded older man practically cooed. He seemed to be humoring Will's seriousness. He fished a business card from inside his jacket and handed it to Will, before bidding us all goodbye and disappearing into the shadows.

When he was fully gone. Cody pretty much exploded.

"FREAKING WARPED TOUR! DID YOU HEAR THAT?! OHHHHHHH, my God, Warped, no way, this is INSANE, I hope this isn't fake--" each half-a-sentence was punctuated by spontaneous hugs for every band member. I laughed as Cody, who was awfully short and skinny, picked me up in his excitement and swung me this way and that, as if the promise of a huge music festival had suddenly given him super strength. Emmett and Jamie, although much quieter, were equally impressed.

This was, of course, all we talked about on the way back to campus. While Will sternly reminded us that it was no promise, and that the wrong kind of paperwork could inhibit our freedom and monetize our passion, Cody was still hung up on the words 'Warped Tour'. While sketchy, it was admittedly very exciting.


"So what you're tellin' me is," Mason said with both eyebrows raised, "the 'guy who broke my heart' Danica was always tryin' to convince me not to beat the shit out of, is your boyfriend... who wanted to beat the shit out of me."

My blood ran cold. "Uhh... should I not have mentioned this?"

Mason waved his hand dismissively, but there was definitely malice in his steely eyes. "Nahhh, nah, it's cool, Alex. You're my friend, I won't touch him, talk to him, et cetera.

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