Chapter 20 - The Cheshire Heart

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AN: This is one of my favorite chapters. :)

I went shopping that evening for what looked like the perfect outfit. Even if parties weren't really my thing, I wanted to show up and support the guys. Maisy still hadn't come back - I guess she would be missing homecoming. It gave me an excuse to laze around the dorm listening to music in my free time. During the homecoming game, I texted the guys while I laid in bed relaxing. They all snuck up to my room - none of the teachers were around - with ice cream sundaes from Barsetti's. Will smacked Cody on the hand when he tried to snoop through Maisy's stuff.

The night of homecoming, the guys went to the auditorium early to set up for the dance. They were headlining under "The Talent of Carroll Academy". The theme for homecoming was 'The Dark Side', which was appropriate considering who would be playing. At least, for Gavin and Jamie, it was appropriate. Emmett and Cody were basically unicorns.

Gavin texted me that evening.

When are you coming?

I replied, Around the same time everyone else is.

I stood in front of the mirror and made sure I looked fine. I was wearing a strapless black dress with a fluffy tulle tutu skirt and a pair of classic black Converse, striped socks scrunched around my ankles. I'd teased my hair until it was perfect, did my makeup, and covered my wrists with black and neon bracelets. My Hearts for Sharks wristband hadn't come off in months.

The dance was getting ready to start, so I rushed down to the auditorium. I could see the lights glowing from the windows.

I walked underneath several layers of hanging streamers and a balloon arch. The school dance was predictably cheesy. Everyone was standing around in formal clothes drinking punch. I parted a group of cheerleaders who were standing right in front of the entrance talking to each other. None of them said a word.

I made my way to the stage, where I could see the guys setting up. A radio was playing some soft alternative music while they got ready to play.

All the guys were wearing slightly disheveled tuxes. Not one of them wore a jacket, but Will and Gavin had tuxedo vests on over button-downs with the sleeves rolled up. Will, who wasn't performing, stood against the stage. He fixed his signature skinny tie, then his glasses. Then he looked up at me.

His voice trailed off as he spoke. "Hey, ... Alex..." He looked from my face down to my Converse and cleared his throat.

"Guys, Alex is here," he said, taking off his glasses and cleaning them awkwardly.

All the guys stopped and looked at me. I heard Cody drop his drumsticks, but I was mostly looking at Gavin. 

His sleeves were rolled up, and his tie was hanging loose. His black beanie was tucked into a back pocket. He was holding onto the microphone with one hand. He smiled so hard when he saw me that he had to bite his lip and look away to stop-- man, he was so cute... I realized the guys had only ever seen me wear jeans or a uniform skirt.

"Hey, Alex," Gavin said, still smiling. The rest of the guys managed a "Hey, Alex," too.

"Did you bring anyone?" I said to Will. He grinned and looked at his feet.

"Nah, just myself. Do you want to hang out while Gav and the others are performing?"

"Sure," I said, smiling. I looked up at the stage. Gavin looked back at me with a grin before turning to go talk to the guys. He seemed to be whispering something, and they were looking at me.

Will pointed at the punch table and gave a thumbs up. I offered it back, and we walked towards it. People were crowded around it, but they parted for us; the diary drama had gotten all around the school, and kids seemed to be in awe of me.

"Any students caught booing will be escorted from the dance immediately, with a demerit." I turned around and saw Gavin saying this into the microphone with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Mister Geirmund..." Principal Safflower said in a low, chiding tone.

"Okay, guys, we're Hearts for Sharks, your friendly neighborhood rock band. We've got shows at The Den every Friday night next November, and we'd appreciate it if you could make it. Don't worry, there'll be plenty of slow songs. But let's start off with something a little quicker."

"And loud!" Cody yelled from behind his drumset.

"Not loud," came Principal Safflower's voice.

The band started up one of my favorite songs. Everyone seemed genuinely taken with Gavin's gorgeous singing. I felt even more special as he looked at me constantly throughout the song. Will seemed pleased with how his lyrics sounded sung aloud.

"Will, do you dance?" I said over the music.

"Not really..." he told me, shifting his tie on his neck.

"Well, you should start right now. Come on!"

I wasn't one to dance outside of my bedroom, but I loved the song so much I couldn't help it. I started moving, and I grabbed Will by the wrist and spun him.

"W-whoa! Alex! Hey!" Will was pretending to be mad, but I could see the smile on his face, bright as day. We danced for two whole songs, and the guys on stage were amusing themselves watching us. When I was too tired to continue, Will looked a little sad. Between groups of songs, Emmett or Gavin would play acoustic music alone onstage while the rest of the guys came down to party. We all danced and laughed, and once, when Safflower wasn't looking, Gavin picked me up on his shoulders and ran me through a crowd of awkwardly dancing jocks. I did four or five songs, and got high fives from complete strangers when I went offstage to grab something to drink.

While the guys were playing their final song, a slow song, Gavin left the microphone and came down the steps. He was walking towards me?

I glanced over in Will's direction; he was talking with his friends from his math class, but watching me. I gave him a look of confusion; he just nodded with an understanding, albeit sad look in his eye.

"Have you been enjoying yourself?" Gavin said to me gently when he was beside me.

I looked up at him. The stage lights changed color behind us, casting a rainbow glow on Gavin's jet hair.

"It's been an amazing night, the best ever. I'm so happy I met you guys. I'm a little tired though," I said. Gavin's smile was wide, and genuine.

"It sucks that you're tired, because I actually wanted to know if I could have this dance," he replied. He rocked back on his heels adorably, looking at the ground, then back up at me.

I looked over my shoulder at Will. He gave a short, sad wave, then turned back to his friends.

Thank you for understanding, I thought.

"I think I've got one more in me," I said. 

"Good," Gavin replied, just above a whisper. He put his hands just above my hips, and almost instinctively, I wrapped my arms around his neck. Everything felt right, as if I had fallen into some magical fairytale at the beginning of the year and finally came to the happy ending.

We swayed to the beat. Gavin didn't take his eyes off of me, but several times I caught myself looking down, blushing. As we turned, I saw all of the guys looking at us as they played, clearly feeling a little invested in our relationship. I guess they had known all along.

"Is this too cheesy?" Gavin asked me when I awkwardly looked down near the final chorus.

"Not cheesy enough," I joked.

The song ended.

"I bet I could make it cheesier," Gavin said.

During the post-song silence, he looked at me just half a second longer than usual. I knew what was coming. I tentatively closed my eyes.

I could feel Gavin's lips coming towards mine...

Suddenly, there was a piercing screech and a sound like a huge machine powering down. The lights were out?

AN: Sorry about the cliffhanger!

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