Chapter 18 - Off With Her Head

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AN: I don't have many views lmao but hey I'm uploading the rest of this story anyway.

I woke up with a smile on my face, feeling refreshed, exhilarated, and more than happy. Maisy was already gone, too, which meant I could get ready alone. I turned up the volume on a Pierce The Veil album so I could get dressed. I donned my favorite MCR hoodie with matching skinnies and combat boots, and made sure my hair was extra fluffy, and my eyeliner extra dark.  There was no class today, since it was Saturday, so I decided to hang out with the guys.

"Let's go to the mall!" Cody said when everyone was together. "I've been saving up all my spending money so I can get the new Pokemon game."

"Sure, sounds fun," I said. The guys agreed.

We went to the mall and chased each other around Hot Topic with lightsabers, then shared big trays of nachos in the food court. It was another magical day with Hearts for Sharks.

"Hey, how did you guys come up with the name, anyway?" I asked the gang when we were all sitting down together.

"It was Will's idea," Cody said between sips of his giant strawberry milkshake. "Ow! Brain freeze."

"Sounded cute," Will said matter-of-factly, before putting another nacho in his mouth. "Didn't mean to imply that we're heartbreakers or anything, though."

"You've been known to break a few hearts, Will," Gavin winked.

"Oh, really?" I teased.

"Hey, that was fifth grade! I thought 'dating' was when you shared your cookies with each other at lunchtime."

I spent the whole day with the guys, and the rest of the weekend as well. I stayed out so late each night that I neglected my diary.

On Monday morning, I felt better than ever. It was a week before homecoming, and even though I had nobody to go with, I knew people were going to be nice to each other all week due to school spirit. Maisy, Roland and their squad would also be too busy preparing for the game to bother me, so that was a huge bonus. I walked to the dorm without incident, but people were laughing at me, and even pointing. I figured it was just Maisy's gossiping about the rose or something, but even then, I had a sick feeling in my stomach.

My fears were confirmed when I walked past the school bulletin board. A group of students were crowded around it, with one in the middle waving around a--

Was that a page from my diary?

I ripped open my backpack, hearing laughter, and checked the pocket I normally kept it in. It was gone. My heart dropped into what felt like a bottomless pit at a million miles an hour. I wrestled my way into the crowd. A boy was holding the diary page.

"Give that to me!" I snapped, wrestling it from his hands.

"Ew, I'm gonna catch death from her," he said, recoiling from my touch.

I looked over the page in horror.

I'm going to tell Matthew I love him today. He didn't come to school today because one of the jocks really upset him the other day, but he texted me that he's going to be fine, so I know he's at home. I feel so anxious, but happy at the same time. We've been best friends for the longest, and I can't wait anymore. I need to know if he thinks of me as more than a friend, because I've loved him for months. I'm going to his house in a little. Wish me luck.

I'm stable now, but I wish I wasn't.

I've been in the hospital. They gave me my diary back awhile ago, but I've barely touched it. The house was surrounded by ambulances when I got there. Matthew's mom said the medicine cabinet was torn apart... I'm getting sick thinking about it.
I knew he was sad, but he didn't have to do that. I went crazy when I found out... I wanted to die. The ambulances took both of us away, but only one of us was alive. I wish it wasn't me. I got transferred to the mental institution down the street from... that place.
I can see his house from my window.
I wish the lights were on in his room.

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