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I took a deep breath as I step out of the car, my hand being taken by the driver.

"Miss" he nodded, letting go of my hand and closed the door behind me.

"Y/N" I politely inform him, not being fond of being addressed formally. Especially standing outside Tara's engagement party.

A party that was being held at a large house. Whoever owned this house, was very well off.

"Miss Y/N" he nodded, smiling.

"Thank you. I'll need you at around eleven" I gave him notice, not wanting to stay here for too long, especially since my boyfriend stood me up for our dinner and this party.

"As you wish" he nodded. I carefully walk up the steps to the beautiful house, holding the railing. I smiled at the two women by the door, who were holding tall glasses of champagne.

"Welcome, champagne?" One of them offered, handing me a glass before I could decline.

"Thank you" I smiled, taking the glass and going into the house.

"Y/N!" I heard a squeal before I could grasp my bearings of this house. I turned and saw Tara, dressed in a blue dress, with a diamond necklace finishing her outfit.

"Tara! Hi, congratulations!" I hugged her, before handing her the small bag with her gift inside.

"Thanks. Where's Matt?" She smiled, taking the bag from me and leading me to the common area.

"He's working" I told her. "But if anyone asks, he's not feeling well" I sighed and she gave me a sympathetic look.

I looked around the room. A big piano sat in the corner; being played by a young woman in a black dress.

The room had a tall ceiling, a beautiful chandelier hung from the ceiling, filling the room with class. Long silk curtains hung on the windows, standing modest against the cream walls.

Tara left me to go mingle with who I guessed was close family and friends.

"Your dress is beautiful" I looked away from the bar to the lady in front of me. I smiled, trying to remember her name.

"Thank you" I cleared my throat, deciding to be impolite and not address her formally.

Matt wouldn't be happy if he was here. She was dressed in a black dress, she held a silver purse that matched both her earrings and necklace.

"Where is that handsome man of yours?" She asked, letting out a small laugh. "Surely he didn't make you come alone"

If only she knew. Unfortunately, he did make me come alone.

"He wasn't feeling great, so I didn't drag him along" I faked a laugh, hoping she didn't see past my fake story.

My boyfriend is probably sitting in his office, clicking his pen.

"What a shame. Tell him I hope he feels better" she sipped her champagne, dismissing me as she walked away, leaving me in the middle of a crowded room, feeling alone.

I leaned against the wall, watching the party from afar. I look at the fifth, probably sixth, glass of champagne in my hand.

My body is telling me to lay off alcohol, but my mind is telling me to dance to the bar and request a whiskey on ice. I licked my lips, watching the bartender pour drinks.

"For someone drinking bubbly champagne, you don't look bubbly" a familiar voice cut through my thoughts.

I rolled my eyes at him. "My boyfriend stood me up" I fake smiled. "Excuse me" I cleared my throat, drinking the last bit of champagne, handing him the empty glass and walking away to the bar. "Whiskey, neat" I said to the bartender.

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