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When Matt told me to pack a bag for the weekend, I didn't take him serious. I thought he was trying to be cheeky and make up for our argument, but he was serious about it. He, probably with Anna's help, planned a small getaway for us, promising his phone would be used at a minimum, no interruptions, no business talk, or clients to be seen.

Despite having a beautiful cabin to relax in and take part in activities with my boyfriend, I found myself hand in hand with Matt while we walked along a hiking trail.

A walk in nature is refreshing.

Thick grass carpets contoured lines as a border for the narrow path we travel on.

"Matt, are you sure there's no snakes?" I asked, looking over the region, feeling like I was swallowed by a forest of chaparral.

"Y/N, you're in the heart of nature. Relax and enjoy the walk"

I was never fond of walking trails, I found them boring, in my eyes, all I see is green and random shrubs that may be poison, but Matt appreciated them, so the least I could do is smile.

We reached the top of the trail, the peak allowing us to appreciate the landscape. It's almost like the world was at the edge of my feet.

"It seems so peaceful out there" I looked over the view, taking in the beautiful detail and scenery, from the rigid mountains to shadow the mountains cast over the villages.

Matt wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my cheek.

"It does, it's a beautiful view. I love the colours between the landscape, how the colours dip and transition" he agreed. "I'll tell you what else is lovely?"

"You're about to say something cheesy and cute, aren't you?" I asked, looking at him. I can never get enough of his features, his eyes, his lips and the way his nose crinkled.

He shrugged, looking back at the landscape. "I was" he nodded. "But since you outed me, I'll keep it to myself"

"I want to hear it" I laugh, poking him gently.

"Nope, are you ready to head back down?" He asked and I nodded, taking one last look before I move from Matt's embrace and stepped away from the edge.

"Are you coming?" I turned to Matt, holding out my hand. I watched as he fidgeted in his pocket. "Matt?" I narrowed my eyes at him and he met my eyes, coming closer to me and taking my hand. "Why are you so fidgety?"

"Uh...sorry I couldn't help myself and quickly checked my phone" he cleared his throat, seeming nervous. I shrugged and kissed his cheek, assuring him I wasn't mad.

I stayed focused on the rocky trail while I admire the surroundings I missed on the way up.

Matt's voice distracted me and it took me a minute to realise he isn't beside me.

"Y/N, wait a second!"

"This is the third time-" I started, turning around, freezing when I see him. He smiled at me, his eyes sparkling. I stood speechless as he held a small box, a diamond shining from the sun.

"Since the day I met you, I knew I wanted to marry you one day"

A stuttering Matt was rare. He's always calm and confident when speaking, it's how he made his territory.

"For almost five years I've looked into your eyes, seen your beautiful smile, had the privilege to wake up beside you. I've fallen in love with you, your personality, your body and soul. I love you" he continued, his hand shaking a little. "I have come to realise you've put up with a lot of my shit my business throws at us, you stuck by me even when things go wrong... you're the girl my Mom used to tell me about, a girl that is captivating, talented, caring, loving. She told to marry the girl I wouldn't want any other man to be with, the girl I want to dance with at random hours...and I was wondering if you'd take the next step and marry me?"

We've never discussed marriage, I really didn't expect this speech, I thought he'd drop hints or I would have to drop hints by bringing it up, but none of that happened...But here he is on one knee with a ring.

I stared at him, lost for words. This is really happening.

"Really?" I choked out.

He nodded, smiling.

This explained why he was nervous before we walked down the trail.

Did he want to pop the question with the beautiful view in the background? Was he too nervous to do it?


Without much more thought, I nodded, a small 'yes' slipping from my lips. His smile widened, he picked up the small ring and slid it on to my finger. I kissed him softly.

"I thought you were going to turn me down" Matt cleared his throat, putting the box into his pocket.

"I...stopped breathing for a minute" I said, laughing.

"I thought so"

"Well, you did just propose to me out of the blue" I reminded him, wondering how much thought he put into this.

"It wasn't out of the blue" he shook his head and we walked back down the trail.

"We've never talked about marriage"

"True... but we've been dating nearly five years" he said, reminding me our anniversary was coming.

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