The Song Before The Storm

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We enter a dark alleyway where a young teen is walking alone. We see a strange looking man walking towards the boy. The person looked mysterious because he seemed to wear a long black raincoat but looked like a grim reaper while doing it. "Hey, are you lost?" The person said. The boy replied reluctantly, "Yes, but I'm looking for something to make my living situation a bit more palatable." the mysterious figure replied, "I can help you with that and you can meet my friends. What do you say?" The teen agreed to The strangers deal. "This will only hurt a bit." the guy said before he bit the boy's head and knocked him out. While the kid was unconscious, he had some changes in his body from the bite. His body turned blue and hair turned into a dark shade of purple, his eye whites turned yellow, and his teeth began to gradually turn sharp and pointy. While he may not look like it, the boy was now a zombie. The stranger dragged the kid to a mysterious tunnel and laid him in the middle of the ground.

The boy wakes up slowly, opening his eyes.

???: Where am I? What happened to me?

Noah: You're in our world now, kid.

In front of our nameless protagonist, was a grayish zombie with brownish hair. He was wearing a black beanie, a worn out green jacket, a tank top with a crosshair pattern with black jeans, light brown shoes, and socks that have seen better days.

???: Who are you?

Noah: Name's Noah. What's yours?

???: Umm... I'm not sure actually...

Noah: ... Didn't your parents give you a name?

???: No. My parents didn't actually assign me a name at all.

Noah: Really? Why would they not give you a name?

???: They really never cared about me when it came to... anything really.

Noah: ... Strange...

???: Where are we anyway?

Noah: You're in the zombie hideout, where zombies are hidden from the face of the earth. We hunt, gather, and eat brains from all across the earth. But in order to properly get you introduced to the crowd you'll need a name.

???: How about... Bomwollen!

Noah: No.

Bomwollen?: Richard?

Noah: Nope.

Richard?: Susan?

Noah: Seriously? You know what, f**k it I'm calling you Chaze.

Chaze: Are you sure about that?

Noah: Well you have no idea what names are good for you. So, I just took a common name for men and added the letter "Z" onto it.

Chaze: Fine, I guess I could accept that.

Noah: Anyways we've got a lot to go through so we best give you a tour of the place.

Chaze: Alright then.

As Chaze and Noah explore the hideout, Chaze looks around in awe. He's never seen such a large place built several feet underground, the metal flooring and the large dirt pillars were a bit odd though. Chaze deduced that all the pillars seem to indicate a sort of branch of hierarchy to the zombies in some sort of way.

Noah: Yeah, you're going to see a lot of those during your stay. Get used to it.

Chaze: Do you also have a different economy?

Noah: This is a hideout, not a nation of the world.

The duo stopped at a weird cave-like structure.

Noah: This is my bunker.

Chaze: That pile of dirt?

Noah: Yes...

Inside Noah's bunker there was a computer with a VCR glued on top of it, a lamp sitting on top of a wooden stump, and a bed made of mud.

Noah: This is where I'll be sleeping. Over there is your bed.

Noah points to an old broken down mattress that hasn't been used since The Qing Dynasty.

Chaze: (looks at it with concern.) So Noah- and he's sleeping. Great...

Chaze is now lying on the dusty mattress and felt the most uncomfortable he'd ever been in his life. If this was to come, he would not look forward to it. But who can say, maybe his parents are looking for him.

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