The Mighty Will Fall

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The sky was turning a dark purple with thundering clouds rumbling in the air. Chaze was scowling at Thomas. Thomas glared back. Ana, Noah, and Dave were all huddled together and were watching the scene that's about to unfold. The king and Chaze took several steps toward one another, and stopped until they were both 3ft away from each other. Thomas was clutching his cane, with his left hand beginning to show his vanes.

Chaze: Your reign ends here.

King: And so is your lifespan.

King swung with his cane towards Chaze's face, with Chaze throwing his head up in the air. The rest of his body ducked under the cane, and he began to swing his fists towards Thomas's body. Thomas was preparing to defend the punches using his cane as a staff. Chaze grabbed the cane and pulled it towards him, inadvertently pulling King along with it. Chaze headbutts King with his noggin, the King stumbles a bit afterwards.

King: You think you're that clever, huh?

Chaze: Maybe, why?

The King stands back and a lightning bolt hits him. Once the smoke cleared, The King reemerged and he appeared to have lighting sprawling across his body.

King: Because I'm going to make you say your prayers.

While all that went down, Noah grabbed his gun and began to shoot down multiple zombies the hoard, Ana was slicing and dicing a couple of them down as well. Dave was paralyzed just trying to process what was happening, but he found a metallic bat on the floor and began swinging it in the air. Other zombies were confused about what he was doing and began to back away. Back with Chaze, he wasn't doing much better. The King began to take his time with each punch being able to have a heavy impact.

King: I thought you were tougher than this... shall we dance?

Chaze grabbed The King and punched him in the head. The King nearly fell over and stumbled a bit before realizing the punch caused him to get blood running out his nose. The King groaned and grabbed Chaze by the neck, and threw him towards a tree. Chaze made a dent on the tree's bark, he grabbed the tree and pulled it from the ground. He threw it towards The King. The King grabbed the tree and used the lightning in his body, setting the plant on fire and turned it into ash. The zombies began to surround Noah, Ana, and Dave; with them looking concerned that there might be no way out, and the hoard beginning to overwhelm the rest of the group. The King grabbed Chaze's shoulders and looked at him with glee.

King: This is incredible, such power behind that body of yours, and all because you were thunderstruck...

The King hatched a horrible idea.

King: I'll just take all of it for myself...

The King attempted to absorb a large amount of thunder from Chaze's body. In doing so, King's skin began to peel from his body. Revealing his muscles and they seem to be tearing apart and didn't seem to be repairing in time. King lets go of Chaze, trying to take in what's happening to him.

King: How much thunder do you have stored in your body?

Chaze: Hmm... good question.

Chaze starts counting on his fingers.

Chaze: 1... 2... 3-

King: Why isn't your body ripping on the seams? While mine is!

Chaze: Possibly because you're stacking energy on top of your energy.

King: What a bunch of baloney. I'm going to take this miserable planet for myself. Even if it means that I take a person's life away.

King grabs Chaze's shoulders and starts laughing maniacally, clearly looking like he's gone mad. The thunder in the sky begins crackling, and strikes the two. King is still laughing, while Chaze has his eyes closed. The King's skin kept peeling until there was none left, leaving his muscles exposed. He slowly began to pause his laughter as he looked at his body. Chaze turned his head towards Thomas, he opened his eyes which now looked like they were glowing a light blue with thunder filling where his eye whites were. Thomas let go of Chaze and the thunder was starting to dissipate. Chaze's eyes returned to normal and he collapsed on the ground. Thomas on the other hand was looking at his body, a shell of his former self. It was on fire, from the amount of thunder that he built up in his body, it was starting to burn his skeleton and organs from the inside. His legs fell to the ground and his eyes rolled the back of his head. His body slowly dissipated into smoke until there was nothing left. The crowd of zombies stopped what they were doing and looked back at the scene. They saw the smoke and looked back at Chaze. Their master was gone, they had nothing left to do.

Background Zombie 1: Well now what do we do?

Background Zombie 2: I don't know! But, (Yawn) I'm pretty tired. Does anyone want to go to bed?

The hoard all agreed on that statement, they dug into the ground and made holes for everyone, and they buried themselves and were finally put to rest. Ana, Noah, and Dave looked at Chaze. They were concerned about what happened to him, and rushed to his aid. Chaze regained consciousness and looked at the group.

Chaze: Is he... Have I... Did-

Ana hugged Chaze.

Chaze: Uh-

Chaze looked at Ana and hugged back.

Ana lets go of Chaze.

Ana: It's over. You did it.

Chaze looks back at the destroyed houses and looks back at the hole. The president came crawling out of it.

Mr. President: (heavy breathing) Is he gone?

Chaze: Yeah. I have incapacitated him. By pressing his pressure points, he uh... exploded.

Mr. President: Good to hear.

A limousine rolled onto the scene. The car door opened to reveal Chaze's "parents".

Chaze's mother: Hi son!

Chaze: Oh great, it's you two.

Chaze's father: How's our happy boy doing?

Chaze: I'm done.

Chaze's father: Great! Now let's- wait... what?

Chaze: I'm moving on from the both of you. From now on it's me and my friends.

Noah: I will take care of him. Don't worry.

Chaze's father looked at Noah and then back at Chaze. He grabbed Chaze by the neck.

Chaze's father: Honey! Our son is gonna be so useful once we sell him on the black market!

A police officer came and teased both of the parents. And the "father" drops Chaze.

Police officer: Don't worry, kid. These two are going to the big house for a long time.

The two criminals were taken away and the cars and the limbo drove off. The gang and the president looked off into the distance.

Dave: Well, now what? Where do we go from here?

Mr. President: Well, I think I could help you with that.

We cut to the White House where the president stands in front of his desk. Everyone else is sitting in chairs.

Mr. President: Considering what happened on this fateful day, and your efforts... Mr...

He drifts off to sleep. Chaze bonked him on the head, and he woke up.

Mr. President: Gah! Uh- What's your name?

Chaze: Chaze.

Mr. President: Mr. Shave, I've decided to give you something...

The President hands Chaze a piece of paper containing information about a house.

Chaze: I don't know what this is.

(He hands it over to Noah.)

Noah: I don't accept checks.

(He hands it over to Ana. She and Dave began to read the information)

Ana: You're giving us a new house?

Dave: And a statue for all of us?

Mr. President: All of you single-handedly worked together to prevent a worldwide event from dooming us all. For that we are forever grateful. It will take a few days to build it, and a good chunk of the neighborhood for that matter; but for the meantime, you can reside here until the projects are done.

Chaze: ... Can I claim dibs on the War room?

Mr. President: No.

Chaze: Dang it.

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