The Unraveling Of The Puzzle

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As Chaze was waking up for the next day, Noah looked at him with a smile on his face.

Noah: Congratulations.

Chaze (still tired): Wha?

Noah: You got promoted.

Chaze: To what rank?

Noah: You're looking right at it.

As Noah was finishing his sentence, he held up an off-white tank top with a yellow thunderbolt on it. Chaze was eyeing on it before he came to his conclusion.

Chaze: I got promoted to being a Thunderbolt guy?

Noah: Yep! And today's your lucky day. So come on, let's get going to the celebration.

Chaze took the shirt with him to the event.

Outside the duo's cave-bunker, there were a crowd of zombies cheering and standing around the pair like a red carpet premiere.

Chaze: Is it always like this everytime someone gets...

Noah nods his head.

Chaze: Oh.

The pair walked down the laid out path that led to the king's throne, The King looked pleased to see his rookie coming this far.

The crowd is still cheering even after the king begins his speech.

King: Friends, It is my honor to- SILENCE!!

The crowd goes quiet.

King: (coughs) It is my honor to present your next step in your position. Welcome to the lightning bolts. Where you'll be able to explore the world to your heart's content and all without any adult supervision.

Noah: Could you make an exception to that last sentence?

King: Why?

Noah: The kid is still 15, he's not considered a legal US Citizen, and right as you said "no adult supervision." He has already left the place.

All that remained of the person who once stood next to Noah was a dust bunny, a paper clip and the old shirt that had a target on it.

We cut to Chaze (wearing his new shirt) walking around the neighborhood without a care in the world.

Chaze: Man, life is great! I've got new clothes, and parents who don't care about my mental health! Waitaminute-

Back under the surface...

The King and Noah are looking everywhere in the catacombs of the caves trying to find Chaze.

King: Maybe he could have um... hidden in a basement somewhere.

Noah: We should have added a tracker to him, He could be anywhere at any moment-

Chaze suddenly appears behind Noah. He was looking a bit startled from the brief moment.

Chaze: Hey, I forgot to ask... who founded this place?

King turns around to look at Chaze.

King: Ah, good job finding him Nate!

Noah: Noah.

King: ... I'm getting close!

Chaze: Well, you are getting quite old...

King: What was that?

Chaze: Nothing!

King: Alright then. It all started long ago during 1989...

The scene fades into a flashback located in a hotel room where a 30 year old version of the king is writing a letter via a typewriter. During his typing a young man with a gray suit comes into the room.

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