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Chaze, Noah, and The king enter a large room-like arena with some exercise equipment, some of which includes a treadmill, a punching bag, and a bunch of dumbbells, scattered around the perimeter of the space.

King: This is where you'll train.

Chaze: Is it supposed to look barren?

Noah: Relax, it's perfectly fine-

As Noah says that a large chunk of dirt crashes down on a treadmill, barricading it.

Noah: ... now.

King: Now Nigel, let's not get carried away here. This is where our rookie here will get some assistance with his strength. Look Chaze, hit me.

Chaze casually punches King with enough force to knock him to the ground.

King: OW! What was that!?

Chaze: What was what?

King: That thing you just did!

Chaze: A punch?


Chaze: I don't know. Maybe the zombie bite affected some of my strength. It seems to have affected me internally but not physically.

Noah: That explains that then.

The king gets back up from the ground.

King: Ok then, let's try this.

The king grabs a sword and slices Chaze's right arm cleanly off.


Noah: Calm down. Look.

Noah grabs the sliced appendage and reattaches it to Chaze's body.

Noah: See, it's good as new.

Chaze moves his right arm around a bit.

Chaze: I'm guessing zombies have some sort of genetic function that allows any body part to be able detach and reattach with relative ease?

King: Eh... Something along the lines like that.

Noah: Along with that we can also control them independently. It takes a while to get used to, but it's worth it in the end.

Chaze: Really?

Noah: Yeah.

Chaze: Can I try?

Noah then answers the reply by chopping off Chaze's head from his body. Chaze's head rolls onto the floor, he is still a bit startled from the sudden response that happened just now.

Noah: Alright, now just roll your head around your body.

Chaze from his new perspective looks at his headless torso.

Chaze: This feels disorienting.

Noah: Well you better get used to it.

Chaze reluctantly grabbed his head and reattached it to his torso.

Chaze: So how many times does this happen to you?

King: Seven.

Chaze: Alright, then-

King: Thousand.

Chaze: What.

King: It has happened to me seven thousand times.

Chaze: And have you grown to become numb from that specific experience?

King: (sigh) Yes. I have. And I've learned many tactical advantages we have over those pathetic humans. Those abilities you have may benefit you in the art of war.

Chaze: Interesting... wait did you say art of war-

King: You've only learned the basics so far, We'll increase the amount of training required to have you prepared for the outside world.

Chaze: But, i've already touched grass before-

King: WE WILL BEGIN TRAINING... Tomorrow, because I've got a very busy schedule for the rest of the day.

The king walks out of the area leaving Chaze and Noah alone by themselves.

Back on the surface...

There was a knock on the door.

Reporter McGee: Are you the father of Chaze?

Chaze's father: Who?

Reporter McGee: That kid who's gone missing.

Chaze's father: Still not ringing a bell.

The Reporter shoves the missing person poster in front of the dad's face. The dad examines the photo.

Chaze's father: Oh yeah, him. I am the father of that kid. But I don't think he had a name up till now.

Reporter McGee: Well, your son has been missing for a couple of days now... Aren't you a bit concerned?

Chaze's father: No, He is going into his young adult years and I'm confident that he can handle going out on his own.

Reporter McGee: Alright then. Good day.

The reporter begins to walk away before the dad stops him.

Chaze's father: Wait-

The reporter turns around.

Chaze's father: Where did you get the info about his name from?

Reporter McGee: That part is classified information, good sir.

Chaze's father: Ok?

The reporter walks away, and the father closes the front door.

Back under the surface...

A training montage plays as it showcases Chaze lifting barbells, running on a treadmill, and attempting to hit a punching bag with his head. After several hours pass, Noah comes and checks up on the blue gremlin.

Noah: How are you holding up?

Chaze: (Lying on the ground sweating like a horse) Tired... exhausted... not willing to do another montage...

Noah: So the exact same reaction as the rest of our new recruits. Alright, we'll stop for today. Let's get some lunch.

Chaze hops off the ground and stands up intrigued by the whole "food" idea.

Chaze: What kind of lunch? Ravioli? Steak? Bacon?

Noah: Human Flesh.

Chaze: ... Can I have a sandwich instead?

Noah: If you want.

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