Eventually, You Will Know

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Noah and Chaze were still thinking about last night and haven't decided if they want to continue with their current lifestyle.

Chaze: So... you were working with him the whole time?

Noah: Yes. I didn't really have any other options. It was either this or (makes a neck cut motion)

Chaze: (sigh) I mean what Mr. King did in the past doesn't have to affect the present, right? He seems to be nearing his hundreds and still I don't think he's going to retire anytime soon. How old is he anyways?

Noah: 64.

Chaze: Wow. That's... concerning.

Noah: I'm just tired. I know I'm supposed to get you used to how things operate here but... in all honesty, I want to go back.

Chaze: Back to living like a human?

Noah: Yes, I have become numb to doing the same motions of eating brains over and over again. I just want to do something different and have it define who I am as a person.

Chaze: Well, we could just wait until The King dies.

Noah: It depends on how long you're talking about.

Chaze: True.

Chaze and Noah decided to go to the king and ask the question that's on both of their minds.

Chaze: What's our overall goal? What are achieving?

Noah: And will you throw in a free dental plan?

King: (sigh) Chaze, that information is top secret and can't be shared with anyone. But I'll think about the denial plan later.

Chaze and Noah looked at each other. They went to the surface and stopped by the front door of Ana's house.

Chaze: Wait, you know the plan right?

Noah shrugs.

Chaze: What do you mean, you don't know?! You work with the guy!

Noah: He hasn't told me all of it, only that you are involved with it.

Chaze: Fine, we'll look in the file and find out the answer there.

Chaze knocked on the door. Ana opened the door.

Ana: You two again?

Chaze: Do you still have the file from yesterday?

Ana: Yeah, and you left the rest of your stuff here too.

Noah: Good, because we might need to check that.

Chaze and Noah entered the house and went to the living room. They found the table where they left the file. Chaze's bag was also there presumably because Ana moved it. Chaze haphazardly rummaged through the backpack to find something, anything at all relating to the king's overall goal. Chaze found an old sock and tape recorder without a cassette.

Chaze: So far, I've found nothing. I don't think he would have even kept the tape.

Noah hands him the cassette that Chaze shoved aside while rummaging. Chaze puts in the tape and presses play. A bunch of static plays. Chaze looks over and finds a document listing out the plan.

Chaze: Why didn't I look in here first?

Noah: You were rushing through your bag and not the file.

Chaze: ... oh.

Chaze began to read the document.

Chaze: "Dear loyal subjects, you may wonder why I'm writing this. It's because I have a plan of action for eliminating the human race."

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