First Blood, First Serve

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Every zombie gathered to eat at a very long park table that was around a yard in width. Chaze was looking a bit startled because of how unnatural it seemed to eat human flesh to him. After a filling lunch, The king gave them a task.

King: Natalie, I need you to retrieve another human brain for me.

Noah: Yes, your majesty.

King: Chaze, I need you to look at Norm as an example in order to know how we operate.

Chaze: Um... Thanks?

The duo get dismissed and exit out onto the surface. Chaze rubs his eyes, because of how he was mostly in a giant cave for several days.

Noah: Alright Chaze, you're still new here, so i'm gonna have a close eye on you. It'll be a new learning experience for you.

Chaze: And how often does Mr. King send you to retrieve a brain?

Noah: It depends on the circumstance because it's mostly no but it's sometimes yes.

Chaze: And how did y'all form the group in the first place?

Noah: I'm not sure, you can ask some people when we get back.

The duo reach their prey. The person looks like your standard horror movie victim except really oblivious.

Noah: Watch and learn.

Noah walks slowly towards his opponent. The person looks at Noah.

Person: Oh hi there friendly stranger!

Noah: Stranger?

Person: Are you here to see my house?

Noah: Uh... No, I'm going to eat your brain.

Person: Oh my! Well you can do that after you see my house!

Noah looks at the house.

Noah: It looks... fine.

Person: Just wait till you see the exterior!

Noah: I just did.

Person: But did you see all of it?

Chaze looks at the banter and decides to go and input his advice.

Person: I feel like I'm missing something...

Noah: (sigh) I. Am. A. Zombie. And. I'm. Going. To. Eat. Your. Brain.

Person: Hmm... so... You want to see my pet fly?

Chaze knocks out the moron with a swift hit from the back of his head.

Noah: ...

Chaze: ... Was I supposed to learn anything from that?

Noah: I was trying to show you a more direct approach. But that works too.

The pair dragged the unconscious man into the tunnel. They plopped the person in front of the king.

Noah: Here's your brain.

The king devoured the victim's brain in front of Noah & Chaze. The former felt confident about fulfilling his task, The latter felt like throwing up.

Many weeks passed after Chaze's first task, Eventually Chaze began to utilize his abilities more and began to hit people's heads 'till they're numb in order to make the process of removing their brains easier, but he isn't too sure what he was doing was for the best of mankind. While all that was going on, The king scheduled a meeting with Noah to talk about the rookie in their secret boardroom. The boardroom was housed in an abandoned building just several blocks away from Chaze's house.

Noah eventually arrived at the base.

Noah: Good evening.

King: Good evening.

Noah: Is there a reason you asked for me specifically to be here?

King: Yes actually, you know your partner "Chaze" right?

Noah: Yes.

King: And your keen eye noticed how he has adapted to his new role as a zombie. Right?

Noah: Yes. It was all part of your initiative to enroll new recruits into your group.

King: Yes, yes, to replace the previous members who had their bodies decay over time, I know. It was a good thing that you bitten him in the first place, he may be our most valuable asset.

Noah looked at The King with some concern.

Noah: Look, I get where you're coming from, but what would happen if he found out the truth about why he's here, who's been pulling the strings, and who's been working with you?

King: Oh please, he's not going to notice that. He'll just do his job and then he'll go up to a new rank and he will continue doing that for the rest of his miserable life until he's in the same state that I'm in.

Noah: Old and ready for retirement?

The King looked at him with an annoyed expression.

Noah: I... retract my statement...

King: Good. Anyways, Mr. Chaze won't know a thing about what's happening behind the scenes. I promise.

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