Eventually, All Will Be Revealed

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It has been a day later. And Chaze has hatched an idea on how to deliver the file to Ana and that old guy who lives with Ana. It was 5:00 AM and Noah was still asleep, So Chaze grabbed his folded shirt and also took a peek at his new clothes. The shorts looked the same as the ones he has on right now but the shirt while it still had the same symbol had the color scheme swapped and the symbol was smaller and was located in the top right corner. Chaze was now holding a pair of clothes and a folded shirt. He exited the cave and walked to Ana's house. On the way there he noticed his old home, looking like it was abandoned.

Chaze: (sigh) Might as well give them one last visit.

Chaze kicked the front door open. There was no one inside. There was a creepy aura surrounding the house that wasn't there before. Chaze closed the door and investigated the area. It was a mess with bills and 401k's scattered around the floor, it was a mess and it didn't help that when looking out the window there was a sign saying that the place was up for sale.

Chaze: Did they... Why would...

Chaze continued looking for what seemed to be several minutes before going to the attic. Thankfully the break switch for the lights seems to be working so the lights for this room remained on. Chaze found his old school bag to put his clothes in, and basked at his surroundings. He was a bit sad, considering what his life was at the time. We fade into another flashback, this time with his father, mother, and Chaze sitting around a table.

Chaze's father: Honey, I think we hit the jackpot!

Chaze's mother: Really, how?

Chaze's father: Can't you believe our bundle of joy is finally going to middle school?

Chaze's mother: Really now?!?

Chaze's father: (Chuckles) Yes, this little boy is going to become a little man! Kid, when you're with us, we'll never be apart! We will be you every step of the way!

We see the father holding a picture with the three of them together celebrating his 13th birthday. We slowly fade to the present where we see Chaze looking down on the frame, looking sad and depressed.

Chaze: Where did it all go wrong...

As he said this, the lights for the house flickered off leaving Chaze in the dark.

Chaze: (sigh)

Chaze grabbed his bag and left the house. Hoping to move on from his past.

Back underground...

Noah woke up.

Noah: (Yawn) Man. I slept like a rock last night. How about you Chaze?

Noah blinks a couple of times and sees that Chaze isn't there.

Noah: Hmm. Must have hit the showers early. Aw well, might as well update my log.

Noah goes to his computer and logs on.

Noah: Any updates in the news...

Noah sees an article titled "Wanted couple and their abandoned teenager." He clicks on it. A video appears on the webpage.

Ms. Reportie: Thanks Chuck, our top story tonight, the Police have begun their investigation on two particular individuals going by the aliases of "The Mysterious Duo". Ignoring the fact that they lack creativity for their name, they seem to also have traces to a missing teenager case in which scientists believe the missing individual has something related to the couple. Now I'm outside talking to people on the street and seeing how they interpret the information.

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