Chapter 8

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" So did you enjoy the view? " Izanami asked cheekily. She always liked to see the looks of surprise in the ones that come here for the first time. Tsunade and Shizune didn't answer her. They were too tired and shocked to answer her right now.

Seeing them like this Izanami shook her head and said aloud, " sigh it looks like they are too shocked to hear me, hey Nanami can you bring us a car, I'm thinking of letting them rest soon "

Hearing her words a girl appeared in front of Izanami. She wore a black clothings that covered most of her features. She also wore a mask that looked like a fox. She answered Izanami's request , " I shall see to it matriarch ". Saying so she disappeared like she was never there to begin with.

Tsunade, who was listening to their conversation, had cold sweat running down her back. She could barely sense the girl and if she didn't appear in front of her she might as well not realise about her. ' This village is scary ' she thought internally.











' I love this village ' Tsunade thought as she drank a huge wine barrel. After they went to the village in what Izanami called a car, they arrived at a place which looked like a Daimyo's castle. And from what Izanami was saying it might be one since this place is her home.

When they arrived at their rooms the first thing Tsunade did when she was asked in what she wanted do was say, " I need a drink to cool my head down "

Izanami nodded and asked a maid to give her what she wanted. The maid went and soon came with a barrel that had a few runes carved on it. When asked what it was she explained,

" You see in our village there are too many clans that drink more than ordinary people do so we placed seals to make the barrel more larger inside so we can hold more alcohol in one barrel. "

And according to her one barrel can hold up to 25 barrels total. And Tsunade was having a blast over this. She no longer needs to wait for her next drink to arrive. And to be honest this licker is way better than what she had ever had in her life.

Shizune who was also helping herself to a drink. But unlike Tsunade she isn't that much into Alcohol. She just likes to have a drink to calm her mind. Dealing with Tsunade can be quite tiring sometimes. Tonton was helping himself by eating the delicious food they were offered.

While Tsunade and the rest were enjoying themselves, Izanami was doing some paperwork in her office. But unlike in Konoha where the Hokage was in charge of everything she only had a few responsibilities.

In fact she wished she could give this work to someone else like she did to her other responsibilities but unlike in other villages where everyone is eying for power in this village the people would do anything Izanami asked them to do.

This isn't done because she brainwashed them or anything. No this purely because she is loved by everyone. Even if by some chance there was someone who would want power in the village. They would just come and say that they are more suitable for the position. If Izanami deemed him suitable he would be then given her position no question asked.

But if she deemed him not suitable she would just make him realise why she said so. First she would put him under the illusion of him succeeding her position and observe his thinking pattern. After that he would put in another illusion where he would be one of the villagers who was hurt by his incorrect decision he made in his first illusion.

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