3 - Back to Normal

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It was a few days after the con and everything was getting back to normal. I was sitting behind the counter at the small bookstore I owned. The bookstore was opened between me and my college best friend once we graduated. We always had a dream of running the place together which is what always made me want to get a conservation degree so I could work on old books that just needed a little TLC to become like brand new again. My friend was now married with two kids, third on the way so she signed the shop and everything over to me and it was now my place.

Chris and I had been texting since the con, even calling or facetiming when we could. He explained to me he was keeping this friendship quiet for now from his family because they tended to jump on any "friendship" he had with a woman as a relationship. Since we were really wanting to keep the friendship thing, we were just keeping it between us.

I was on the computer behind the desk working on ordering some things I was running low on for the workshop when the door opened. I heard the bell go off above the door and I looked over and groaned.

"What do you want?" I asked and Damon walked over to the counter.

"I was hoping we could talk." Damon said and I groaned.

"You have said everything you needed to say, and I don't want to talk about this anymore. You broke up with me and now you come back around because of a random text you received from someone con weekend. What's not to say I didn't send you that text just to get a rise out of you? Just let it go." I said and Damon sighed.

"I just know when we broke up, I didn't give you much of an explanation, I was nervous to give it to you and now I think I'm ready." Damon said causing me to scoff.

"Now you're ready to explain it?! Now?!" I snapped. Damon hung his head and then looked back up at me.

"Please Bex, I know I don't deserve the time, but I would really like to." Damon pleaded. Before I could even answer him. I heard the bell above the door go off again. One of the two faces I saw walk in I was not expecting to see, and I could tell by his reaction he wasn't expecting to see me. I looked at Damon.

"Damon, I have to work right now. As you can see, I have customers." I said.

"Can you please meet me at Barley's for a drink tonight when you get off? Say around 6pm..." Damon asked. I peaked at Chris, and I noticed he was listening intently since he heard the name I said.

"Fine, 6pm at Barley's but I swear to god just one drink." I said and he gave a small smile. Damon walked out and I sighed when I noticed Chris hiding his face acting like he was looking at something. I placed a smile on my face as I walked over to Chris and the lady he was with.

"Hi, I'm Bexley, can I help you find something?" I asked sweetly. The older woman smiled sweetly at me.

"Actually, a friend of mine brought a first edition book here of hers and you were able to restore it to its original condition. I was wondering if I could show you a book and you could do the same?" She asked and I nodded.

"Let's go to the counter and we can look at what you have." I said and she nodded as we all headed to the counter. I noticed Chris watching me and inside I was screaming I wanted to say something. "Before I get looking at the book, is there something I can help you find?" I asked Chris and he seemed a little tense and I knew it had to do with seeing Damon.

"No, just out with mom today." Chris said and I smiled. We got to the counter and Lisa handed me her book very gently. I saw it was a first edition Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

"It was my grandmothers, who passed it to my mother who passed it to me. I wanted to give it to my oldest daughter, but my basement leaked and the box it was in got damaged. The binding is a mess as are some of the pages." Lisa explained as I put on my gloves and carefully inspected the book.

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