24 - New York

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Chris and I were walking in the hotel room in New York and we both just sighed once we walked into the living room part of the suite and flopped down on the couch.

"I never thought it would be such a frenzy..." Chris groaned, and I sighed with just a shrug and then placed my head on his shoulder.

"You're Chris Evans, you're in New York and you're going to comic con. It's a big deal." I matter of factly said and he just groaned.

"But you just got thrown into it..." Chris sighed.

"And we knew it would happen. There was no way around it. Chris, it's been months now. They know my name, they know where I work, and I believe fans know more about me than I do..." I chuckled and Chris huffed a laugh.

"How has work been?" Chris asked and I knew he meant with the fans.

"Well, not too bad. I mean i just keep on eye on most people and if they just seem like they are looking around for you I make sure to let them know subtly you don't come to the shop. But business has also bulked up too because I even think people coming in to see you find something they want." I said and Chris smiled.

"Well good, as long as it's not getting out of hand." Chris asked and I shook my head.

I started to close my eyes, a day of traveling from having to be at the airport early in the morning, to being up late the night before having dinner and a game night with the Evans family.

"You want to take a nap before we plan dinner?" Chris asked and I hummed my response and cuddled into Chris more and he chuckled.

"I meant in the bed baby." Chris said and I shook my head.

"Nope, you will do just fine." I smirked.

"How about we both get into the bed?" Chris suggested.

"Fine..." I grumbled with a laugh as we walked into the bedroom. Chris stripped down to his boxers, and I got down to the bra and panties I was wearing not bothering with putting on pajamas. Chris and I crawled into bed, and he pulled me close to him. His back was to my front and his arms wrapped tightly around me.

"You sleeping like this is mean..." Chris whispered in my ear, and I gave a tiny giggle.

"Well, if you must have your way with me, you can but don't wake me while you do." I laughed and Chris laughed kissing the side of my head.

"I think I will wait until you are fully awake to enjoy it." Chris said and I smiled.

I quickly drifted off to sleep to the sound of Chris's calm and steady breathing.


We woke up later early in the evening and my stomach growled. Chris was already awake but was just sitting up going over everything on his phone, his schedule and everything. I rolled over and faced him, looking up at him since he was leaning on the headboard.

"Why didn't you wake me?" I asked stretching.

"Because you were making that cute little snoring sound, and I knew you were sleeping good." Chris smirked at me.

"I don't snore Evans!" I protested sitting up, leaning on the headboard next time him.

"Whatever you say sweetie." Chris said kissing my cheek. "Listen I want thinking we would go out to dinner. There is somewhere I try to go to whenever I'm in New York..." Chris said, and I nodded.

"Yeah, sounds good, What's dress code?" I asked and Chris smiled.

"Just jeans and a shirt will be fine. Nothing too fancy. Take your jacket though, they have outdoor seating and if we get sat outside, I don't want you cold." Chris said and I nodded. I kissed Chirs's cheek and headed to my suitcase once I got out of bed.

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