6 - Friends Approval

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I was sitting in the backroom workstation when I heard the bell above the door go off. I walked out of the backroom and saw Chris standing at the counter.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked confused.

"Well for one I'm picking up mom's book, she said you called." Chris started off and I nodded "And two because I wanted to talk about last night..." Chris said and I sighed.

"About the texting or something else?" I asked and Chris sighed.

"The texting..." Chris said.

"Well, let me go get your moms book because I want to make sure it meets her standards." I said and Chris nodded. He pulled up his mom on facetime as I went to get the book.

"Hey Ma, I'm here at the book place and she wanted you to see and approve the book..." Chris said and he turned the camera around to me when I came back to the counter carrying her book.

"Hey." I said seeing Lisa and she smiled. I unwrapped the book from the protective covering I put it in.

She gasped when she saw it but I couldn't tell if it was good or bad.

"Ma?" Chris asked.

"Oh my god, that is amazing, better than I ever could have imagined." Lisa said and I smiled.

"Well it wasn't as damaged as it looked, needed cleaned. A couple of the pages gave me trouble but they are as well fixed and as good as new." I said and Lisa smiled.

"Thank you so much!" Lisa exclaimed as I wrapped the book back up. Chris turned the camera back to him.

"I will see you when I get back." Chris said and he hung up.

Chris paid for the restoration of the book, and I sighed knowing he now wanted to talk.

"About last night..." I said and he sighed.

"Yeah, there was some major flirting from both of us. Especially about your choice of pants." Chris said and I nodded.

"I know and I know I didn't help and pushed. You just want to be friends and I don't want to ruin that." I said and Chris groaned.

"We knew being friends first is going to be hard." Chris said and I nodded.

"We did, I'm willing to keep it in the friendzone if you are." I said and he half nodded.

"I just want to see what can happen naturally and not because of the situation we were put in inside that elevator." Chris said causing me to nod.


"So, I was wondering if you are busy tomorrow night?" Chris asked and I shook my head.

"No, once I get off, I'm heading home. Why?" I asked.

"Well, I was wondering if you would want to join me and my friends out to dinner? There will only be a few of us but I would love for you to join us." Chris said and I got nervous.

"I mean do they know about me or anything?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No, but it's okay. Just come and join us." Chris said. Even though I was nervous I went ahead and decided to branch out and take the chance.

"Sure, just text me where and when." I said he nodded.

"Will do, can't wait to see you tomorrow." Chris said. I smiled as he grabbed Lisa's book and headed out of the store.

I couldn't help the feeling I had in the pit of my stomach that was telling me this was a mistake.


I walked into the bar and grill Chris told me where everyone would be meeting. I wore a pair of black jeans, not too tight but tight enough and a vee neck maroon colored t-shirt. I just wanted to be normal, I was meeting his friends but as a friend as well.

"Bex!" I heard him yell over the noise, I turned to see him waving from a high-top table they were all sitting at.

-Just be yourself Bex, Chris likes you as you. It doesn't matter what his friends think.-

Or did it matter? Would they have a say in who he got to hang out with and who was in their circle? What if they didn't think I would be a good add in?

I didn't have any more time to doubt it since I was arriving at the table.

"Hey! So glad you could make it." Chris said as I got to the able and he hugged me. I hugged him back.

"Glad to be invited." I said and Chris pulled out the chair for me and held my hand as I got up in it. Once I was sitting, I instantly felt like a fish in a fishbowl being stared at.

"Guys, this is Bexley, Bexley this is my best friend Josh, best friend Tara and my brother Scott." He said and I smiled at them.

"Nice to meet all of you, you can call me Bex." I said and they smiled.

"How did you two meet?" Scott asked and I looked at Chris unsure of what he wanted to reveal. Chris chuckled and adjusted his hat on his head, nervous habit.

"Oh god was she a hook up?!" Tara asked seeing how Chris was acting.

"What?!" I asked shocked.

"What?! No!" Chris yelled at the same time. People noticed we were loud and looked but we instantly calmed down. He sighed "Remember when I told you guys that I got stuck in the elevator at the hotel?" Chris asked and they nodded. "I was stuck with Bex." Chris finished.

"Yeah, we happened to both get on and then stuck for a few hours. It was a huge shock to me." I said and they all smiled.

"Were you a fan?" Josh asked and I nodded.

"I had actually had a photo op with him earlier that day, so it was insane." I said.

"Let's see the con picture! I love seeing them!" Scott said and I laughed pulling up the copy of it on my phone and Scott laughed showing everyone.

"It's great, love the prom pose." Tara said and we laughed.

"His idea." I said and they laughed even more as the waitress came over. I noticed everyone else had a drink and I sighed knowing I had to drive and work tomorrow.

"What can I get ya?" She asked me.

"Club soda with lime please." She nodded and walked away.

"So, you two obviously kept in touch and exchanged numbers..." Scott trailed off.

"Yeah, we did, figuring we were in the same area of town and that it could be fun getting to know each other." Chris said and I nodded in agreement.

Conversation flowed. I got to know about his friends, brother, the sisters who were not there and they learned all about me. I try not to mention Damon and I did a good job of keeping him out of all of it.

As we were leaving, I hugged his friends and they all smiled.

"Bring her around more Chris! We love her!" Josh said and Tara nodded in agreement.

"Awww guys!" I said and we all laughed.

They all walked away with a wave and then I looked at Chris.

"Can I walk you to your car?" Chris asked and I nodded. As we walked, we were silent. When we got to my car Chris looked at me and I smiled.

"I had a great time tonight. I loved meeting some of your people." I said and Chris smiled down at me. I felt him take my hands in his and I looked down at our hands together.

No other words were said as I watched Chris slowly lean down and soon his lips were connected to mine. He released my one hand and placed it on my cheek. This kiss was gentle and caring. Nothing like the feverish ones we had been sharing. I whimpered when I felt his lips leave mine. I opened my eyes slowly and Chris was just looking at me.

"Good night Bex." Chris said and walked quickly away leaving me standing there.

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