Clothes I had Never Seen Before

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Tori's pov:

I woke up on my twin-size mattress to a wailing from the corner of my room. Sitting up, I flinch from the light that streams through the little room from the barred window. A new baby? My mind began spinning while I slowly and quietly made my way to it. My heart squeezed when I found a little boy curled in a blue blanket with a cart of supplies next to him and a note.

Dear 18,

 I hope you don't mind. We had a breakthrough with one of our formulas on section sixteen and there weren't enough mothers for the babies. Try to keep the baby alive and well, we'll be in to give you your nutritional shots in a couple hours. Since this baby is not your own, if it passes, you will not be punished. Soak the love up while you can, mama.

                                    Love, Gio.

I hummed softly, a smile plaguing my face.

"Hush, sweetheart. I'm right here." Holding the baby close to my chest, I moved to my bed and covered the both of us up. This little boy with his bright green eyes just studied me before looking around. I wonder if this one is human, wolf, or vampire. Vampires are hard to come by from what I hear. Mr. Noah always gets angry when he loses one of his vampires. 


After several minutes of waiting for a response, I sigh with a sinking feeling in my gut. I know she's there. I've seen her. Why did they separate us? Maybe when I get chosen, she'll be able to come back out.

After about an hour or two of a sleeping beauty snoring softly on my chest, the iron barred doorway beeped and then slid open. In walked Mr. Noah and I felt my pulse quickly dive. He's no good when he's alone.

He wheeled in a little machine, two shots, and three switches from what I could only imagine was a thorn bush. 

"You didn't pass yesterday's correction appointment. We need to try again." He demanded, getting straight to the point. 

"I want you to remember that even if you know, others don't."

"So how many babies have you had since arriving?" His voice was soft, almost like he genuinely cared. Almost. Any time he uses this voice, the punishments for the truth are always ten times worse.

"I haven't had any." I whisper, looking to the ground.

"Again but look me in the eyes and say it louder." He growled, his eyes flashing. Mr. Noah just so happened to be the Alpha of the Fertile Moon pack so what he says goes. Mrs. Gio was one of his close friends. She told me he didn't use to be so mean. I remember when he was nice. It was when they first began the testing. 

Standing tall, I clutched the baby protectively to my chest. I hesitantly met his eyes, blocking all emotions that might be visible in my eyes and spoke clearly.

"I haven't had children, sir." He studied me for a couple of seconds before smiling and nodding.

 "You're convincing. That's good! Now what are you going to tell people about the scars on your back?" He hummed, watching me closely.

"I got them when I was little and was too young to properly heal myself." I stated, those words being engraved in my mind since the first time I lost one of my babies. One scar is equivalent to one lost baby. They don't like it when you lose a baby that is theirs.

"Good. Now sit before you wake that thing." His voice held disgust talking of the baby. For someone who hates babies, he sure does like trying to find a solution to making them. He grabbed the two shots and walked over.

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