Hold on a Little Longer

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Jay's POV:

We've finally arrived. As could be expected at the Fertile Moon Pack, there were trees, mountains, fields, and forest to run though. Excellent places to train warriors. As soon as we stepped out of our vehicles, a man and a woman were there to greet us.

"Welcome to the Fertile Moon Pack! We hope you all had a fun trip!" This guy has tan pale skin if that makes any sense. It's like his skin is supposed to be dark but is instead very pale. He has dark brown eyes with long frizzy curly hair. He was about five foot eight and I know I can easily take him if it called for it. However, this is also an Alpha, and we don't need to start anything without cause. We don't know if the suspicious activity around here is because of him or his pack yet. 

As tradition, I walk forward and give him a handshake, thanking him for inviting us while my pack bows to him in respect. The female beside him gets down on her knees as a sign of respect to me. In packs, only the leaders and their families can shake hands. 

"So, Noah, where is the rest of your pack?" I ask, looking for any signs of life around us. The only sound around is crickets and the swaying of trees in the wind. 

"They're all in the clearing where the rest of the packs will meet." He responded, turning away to lead us to the clearing. I could tell my pack was very excited. Why wouldn't they be? Only a select few wolves know about the suspicious activity around here. The select few are Lomen, our pack doctor and my oldest sister Lex Shepards, Hanna Shepards who is also my older sister, my parents who are known to many packs as the late Luna and Alpha, and of course a select few warriors, one being my brother: Peirce Shepards. All three of them have mates, Peirce and Lexi having kids already.

When we made it to the clearing, I studied the pack of mostly males. That seems a bit weird, but some packs have more prominent male genes so it's not too weird. We can't afford to assume or suspect them of anything just yet. The few girls we can see are dressed nicely in dresses or combat suits, which I'm guessing is dependent on their rank in the pack. There are only a handful of girls that are wearing t-shirts and jeans. All seemed normal so far. When Noah walked away to get another pack arriving, I turned to Lomen and tilted my head, letting him know to follow.

"We need to go look for Erin. If Noah catches us spying, there's high chances of a war breaking out. Let's find our man, gather our pack, and leave as soon as possible." I ordered, looking around. There are snowy mountains in the distance and woods surrounding us. There's also a trail with lights on it, so that's where I started walking. Of course, Lomen followed, getting on his phone as to not look suspicious. 

"Maybe we can ask some of the other packs if they've seen him?" Lomen asked, bringing a picture up on his phone of Erin and me smiling at each other on a bench. That's what sparked the accusations of us having a bromance. In all reality, we were betting who could take Lomen.

"I don't know. It may be too ris-" Before I could finish, both Lomen and I jumped from a soft nervous voice coming from the woods to our right. How long has she been there? What did she hear? Why couldn't we smell her coming?

"Who're you looking for?" The female asked, catching both of our attention once again. The woman that stands in front of us is wearing light blue jeans with a black t-shirt and a belt buckle with the number eighteen on it. She has beautiful olive skin that I wanted to explore for hours and deep black eyes like one of a raccoon or a shark. Her natural dark brown hair came down to her armpit, a little frizzy but mostly straight. Andrews started to go crazy, words I couldn't understand flying a thousand miles per hour around my head. I felt my control on Andrews slowly fading, clenching my fist while sending a glare her way. She may be gorgeous but she's one of his. 

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