The Three With Abilities

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Hopping on the counter, I hug the tiny human sleeping against my body. This poor girl has gone through enough. She says she doesn't want to leave but are we selfish to put her through more?

"We need a plan." Luke muttered, rubbing his hands together anxiously. We called the group earlier so they're all heading over. Even Drea and Colby are coming. We wait, most of us lost in our own little world. I'm going to die. Maybe not soon but it's coming and there's nothing that I know of that can stop it. It's not even the fact that I will die, it's all I'm leaving behind. I'm worried. What happens after I die? Will Jay and Oakley be okay? We don't know which vision will come true yet and there could be more possibilities or the visions could have changed based on our decisions, on my decisions.

Soon the door opened and everyone came in, talking all at once like usual. They keep asking questions and looking at Oakley. We didn't tell them why we called the meeting or why it wasn't at the office like usual. Breakfast was forgotten long ago. There's cooked bacon and a plate of uncooked bacon. I didn't even get to cooking the waffles. Anytime I've tried to set little Oak down, she cries and balls her hands in my hoodie again. So far, I'm the only one she'll talk to and I wonder if it's because I'm the one who carried her to safety that night. Because I sat with her until she fell asleep before heading out for Jay.

When we don't answer and our solemn faces finally get through to them, they all take a seat at the table, on the counters, or on the bar stools at the island. It's silent. Too quiet and I don't like it. I looked at Jay wondering if he was going to explain but his glossy eyes and light blue eyes tell me all I need to know. He's hurting and bad. Clearing my throat, I sit up a little taller.

"Destinee, you remember the vision of when I was captured?" I ask softly and quietly. My voice won't raise any higher than that and I'm not sure if I want it too because of Oakley. She's still sleeping peacefully and her tears finally stopped, I don't want to disturb her.

Destinee's eyes darkened before she nodded. As soon as I spoke, I could see Loman's, Haper's, Gifford's, Jay's, and Destinee's eyes darken. Colby, Drea, and the three boys never saw it. I'm not sure if they even know about it.

"What about it?" She asked, sitting a little taller.

"In the second part of the vision, do you remember what our little girl's name was?" It was Oakley May Shepards. I remember that vision vividly. How could I not? My family all died because of me.

"You called her Oaks. Why?" She's confused, I can see it in the way she tilted her head like a puppy and if it weren't for the situation, I probably would've teased her about it. But we do have a situation going on.

"What visions?" Drea asked, glancing between Destinee and I. Tears begin to gather in my eyes but I refuse to let them fall.

"Destinee, can you show them?" I ask, not sure how her ability works or if she can just show certain people.

"I can but everyone will see it again. Except for you and Harper if you conjure your ability up. I've learned with Harper that she's able to block it out with her abilities." Destinee's voice was uncertain but confident. Almost like she didn't want everyone to go through that again. I don't blame her. She'll have to watch it again too. I don't know how she keeps her mental health up when she has to see these vivid images.

I nodded and hopped off the counter, walking to stand between Jay's hand. Noah walked to the light and turned it off, allowing Harper and I to concentrate. Jay's arms wrapped around me and I tried to concentrate on him but I couldn't feel that flow of energy like usual. Why can't I feel it?

Strongest emotions, love.

Corrina's voice echoed around my mind and I nearly started crying from the overwhelming feeling of trying to sort my thoughts and feelings. Finally, I just let my mind roam and soon I found myself silently crying and shaking. Jay only wrapped his arms tighter around me before all I saw was darkness and the white glowing hand. Soon the hand instinctively merged into the white energy flow with small flames licking out. It didn't burn, it just felt warm.

The Experimental Mate (in editing process)Where stories live. Discover now